Welcome ... summer?
Ok, it might be cool for June, but there's a lot of beautiful produce coming out of the fields, and so much more to come!

Pick-your-own strawberries
Strawberry season is JUST getting started. There are fewer farms offering pick-your-own this year (read on for more detail), so we have updated our list to make sure you can find these early-summer delights!
Farmers' markets and more
Farmers' markets, farm stands, and summer CSAs are opening up for the year -- right now you'll find an abundance of greens, fresh herbs, tender spring crops like scallions and salad turnips, and of course meat, dairy, and more.
Fruit report
You might have heard about a freeze that damaged a lot of fruit crops on local farms. Here's an article in the Daily Hampshire Gazette that explains the May frost, which followed on the heels of a February freeze that damaged much of the peach crop throughout the Northeast.

Right now, it looks like strawberries, blueberries, peaches, and apples have been affected to varying degrees. We at CISA are staying in touch with many fruit farmers as they assess the damage. Our Emergency Farm Fund is always available to offer no-interest $5,000 loans to farmers who need help in the wake of a weather disaster, and we are assessing whether to open the fund for larger loan amounts. We also offer a range of technical assistance to farmers to help them adapt to our changing climate.

In the meantime, stay tuned -- we will keep you up to date about what crops are available and where. There is a lot of local food being harvested right now (including strawberries!) and tons more to come, and local farmers of all kinds will need your support this season! As always, our online guide is the best place around to find information about local food and farms.
Get to know our Local Heroes
Here's another way to stay abreast of what's happening on local farms: CISA's Valley Bounty column in the Daily Hampshire Gazette, and CISA's segments on The Fabulous 413 on NEPM.

  • South Hadley Farmers' Market: Farmers’ markets don’t just happen. They’re built by and for hardworking people from communities that see a need for them, and last as long as that energy remains. The new South Hadley Farmers’ Market is just beginning, but if market manager Jen Krassler has her way, “we want this to be something that continues for years to come.” Read all about them!

  • Homestead: Jeremy Werther, chef and owner of Homestead. restaurant in Northampton, talks about working directly with local farms to put the freshest, most flavorful food on their “New England – Italian” menu, Northampton's Summer on Strong, and what wage equity looks like at their restaurant. Listen in!

  • Bloom Woolen Yarns: “Bloom Woolen Yarns is a small yarn company gathering wool from local farms, including from our own flock of sheep, making different kinds of yarn with local mills, and naturally dyeing them in small batches,” founder Lisa Fortin explains. Read all about this special project!

Hiring: TerraCorps Service Member
CISA seeks a TerraCorps Service Member who will support farmers’ markets and mobile markets in building awareness for the market and relationships with community organizations, and execute trainings for service providers interacting with SNAP clients and low-income folks in Massachusetts about the Healthy Incentives Program (the state’s SNAP incentive program that provide free fruits and vegetables directly from farmers). Please share widely!

Workshop Series:
Essential Skills for Starting, Growing, and Managing a Food Business
Do you have an idea for a new food business? Have you been growing or making food for friends and family and want to take it to the next level? Have you been working for a food business, but you want to be better prepared to take on a decision-making role? We can help!

Sessions are open to anyone and free to attend! PLUS, if you self identify as BIPOC or low-income, or if you need interpretation into English, you are eligible for:
  • $30 – $60 per workshop
  • Interpretation and/or translation
  • Up to five hours of free one-on-one coaching on any topic(s) of your choice

More from CISA

Check out our press page for news stories about local farms and local agriculture, along with our regular segments with NEPM and regular column in the Daily Hampshire Gazette, and more!
Job opportunities, land, equipment, and more.
Thanks to our sponsors!
Please do not take images or content to use on your own site or project without CISA's explicit permission. Please feel free to link to our newsletter. Archives can be found at buylocalfood.org.
Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 
1 Sugarloaf Street,
South Deerfield, MA 01373