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Find Local FoodThank you to our 2018 donors!
Janet Aalfs
Mr. Mohamed Abdelshaker
Chris Abel and Mary Dingman-Abel
Jeanne and Jim Abels
Richard and Judith Abuza
Ron Ackerman and Cleo Gorman
Jesse M Adams
Doug Adler
David Ahlfeld
Nathan Ahlgren
Don and Theresa Ahrens
Linda Aird
Kate Albright-Hanna
Benjamin and Beth Ann Albro-Fisher
Mr. Puran Ale
Maxine Alicea
Richard Allain
Harry Allen
Mx. Larisa Allen
William Allen
Mrs. Kelly Allessio
Don Allison and Edith Adams Allison
Lucy Alman
Jay and Catherine Alpert
Michael Alterman
Ms. Domenica Alvarado Perez
William and Nancy Ames
Kathleen Anderson
Teri Anderson
Jeff and Jean Anliker
Montserrat and Mike Archbald
Mary Arduser
Mr. Joseph Armano
Mr. Joel Arnold
Suzanne Artemieff
Troy Asher
Philip Ashley
Mr. Usman Aslam
Nancy and Bob August
Arlene Avakian
Mr. Adnan Ayaz
Amy S and Phil Babcock
Roy Bachinsky
Linda Bacon
Carrie Baker and Harvey Hill
Peter Titelman and Katharine Baker
Roberta Baker
Carol Ball and Randie Handleman
Joanna and Clay Ballantine
Sharon Band
Madhavi Bandi
Mr. Foster Banford
Jeffrey Barden
Harrison Bardwell
Cynthia Bargar
Ann Barker
Benjamin Barnes
Danielle Barshak and Oran Kaufman
Mr. Jordan Bashaw
Hosea Baskin and Sarah Buttenwieser
Lisa Baskin
Miss Dorothy Bassett
Violette Batchelor
Luther Bates
Polly and Donald Baumer
Mrs. Cheryll Bean
Jeannie Beauchesne
Steven Beauregard
Mr. Ronald Beaver
Suzanne Beck and Bob Driscoll
Denis Bedard-Shurtleff
Jennifer Bednarcyk
Mr. Glynn Beggs
Mr. Jerry Begley
Sanford and Betsy Belden
Allen Belkin and MaryJean O’Reilly
Andrew Beltz
Balaji Belur
Mrs. Katrina Bennett
Ben and Pam Bensen
Lisa Berger
Insiyah M Bergeron
Ed and Julia Berman
Lydia Berry
Ms. Cathy Bertinuson
Erica Beshai
Steven Best
Channing and Marie Bete
Gary Betters
Paula Betters
Dennis Bidwell and Mary Ann Kelly
Mr. Jared Bielunis
Ginny Biggie
Russ Billings and Amy Wehle
Peter Billman-Golemme
Sarah Bills
Darren and Gina Birchall
Mark Bishop
Robert and Janet Bissell
Robin Bixby
Natalie Blais
Dakota Blakesley
Dan and Gail Blanchard
Maureen Blasco
Joe and Barbara Blumenthal
Mr. Keith Bodley
Mr. Robert Bodley
Ekaterina Boiko
John Boisvert
Mitchel and Sharon Bolotin
Mr. Michael Bombard
Kit Sang and Steve Boos
Laurie Boosahda
Amanda Borgatti
Mr. James Boska
Sandra Boston
Steven Botkin and Joan Levy
Tyler Boudreau
Ed Bourgeois
Amy Bourget
John Bowe and Pauline Marney
Elbert and Bernice Bowler
Teresa Bragg
Patrick Brannan
Susan Brano
Fletcher Schneeflock and Alexis Breiteneicher
Tara Brewster
Marybeth Bridegam
Will and Nathalie Bridegam
Mrs. Laura B Broad
Ms. Gary Brooks
Keith Brouillard
Bruce Brown and Mary Thorpe Brown
Dean Brown
Kani Brown
Kathryn Brown
Mrs. Gail Brown
Victoria Brown
Eve Brown-Waite and John Waite
Debin Bruce and Cheri Cross
Mrs. Jean Bruffee
Christopher Brunelle
Kamala Brush and Lucy Baruch
Glenroy Buchanan
Deborah Buchman
Mr. Jason Buelow
Brooke Bull
Dr. Robert Jonas and Rev. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas
Mr. Richard Burdick, Jr.
John Burke
Deborah Burkhalter
Sarah Burnap
Lori and Kathy Burroughs
Mark Burton
Jonah Zuckerman and Rebecca Busansky
Mr. Sean Bushe
Carolyn Butler
Stephen and Cheri Butler
Barton Byg and Jan Whitaker
Besnik Bytyqi
Deborah Cahillane and Brenda Church
Florence Campanile and Lourdes Tallet
Katherine Campbell
Todd Fuller and Susan Campbell
Jay Caplan and Marie-Helene Huet
Judy Cardell
Mrs. Kate Cardoso
Mrs. Soraia Cardoso
Ellen Carlino
Christopher Carlson
David Carlson and Maria Roberts
Valerie Caro
Michelle and Jason Caron
Wayne and Cari Carpenter
Lori Carrier
Russ Carrier and Andrew Dausch
Mrs Rosalie and Eddie Carrillo
Todd Carson
Cate Carulli and Linda Sinapi
Robert Casabianca
Milagros Castillo
Cheryl Caswell
Tom Chalmers and Joan Meyer
Mr. Nitin Chandel
Cindy Chandler-Guy and Steve Guy
Peter Bishop and Cat Chapin-Bishop
Victoria Chapman
Robert Ethier and Lisa Chase
Dr. Robert Chatt
Julia Chevan and Patricia Jung
Reginald Chim
Peter and Deborah Christakos
Nicholas Jones and Margaret Christie
John and Peggy Christie
Michael Ciavattieri
Mr. Antonio Cicolini
Jennifer Cieboter
Jeff and Mary Ann Ciuffreda
Richard Clarity and Caroline Mack
Ben and Lori Clark
Jeannine and Thomas Clark
Joan E Clark
Kenley Clark
Clem and Tiffany Clay
Hilary Clegg
Nathan Clewell
Robin Clifford
John Levine and Sue Clopton
Nancy H and Tom Clune
Ottaviano Coccimiglio
Rick and Kathy Cody
David and Doris Cohen
Dr. Stephan Cohen
Fern and Harry Cohen
Joseph and Cathy Cohen
Leonard and Amy Cohen
Michael Cohen and Chia Collins
Nancy Cohen
Ms. Janna Cohen-Rosenthal
Robert S and Mary Cohn
Amir Flesher and Kelly Coleman
Ron and Nina Coler
Mary Collins
George Colt and Anne Fadima
Joanne Comerford and Ann Hennessey
Susan Conger
Elizabeth Conlisk and Mary Stuart
Mr. Michael Connelly
Glenn and Jacklyn Connly
John and Marianna Connolly
Steve Connor
Kristen Conway
Carla Manene Cooke
Leda Cooks
Erika Cooper
Jonathan Chamutka and Sara Cooper
Susan Copeland
Brian Corey
Mr. David Cornelius
Cathi Cosco
Vasco Costa
Mr. Dennis Cote
Andrew Cox
Sara Crawley
Phil Lawrence and Sarah Creighton
Lauren and Michael Crigler
Drew Cronin
William Crosby
Frances Crowe
Rob Crowner
Christine Crutchfield
Mr. Jason Cunningham
Joseph and Karen Curran
Colleen Currie
Mark Maynard and Regina Curtis
Scott Laidlaw and Carrie Cuthbert
Abbie and Robert Czelusniak
Debra Daley
Sheila Damkoehler
Josephine D’Angelo
Mr. Sean Daniels
Cary Dash and Vivian Miller
David and Karen Davis
Lisa Davol
Mr. Welington De Carvalho
John and Debra Deane
Mr. Agostino DeBaggis
Erin DeCou
Kevin Dee
David Del Tatto
Shelbie Delaney
Ms. Lynda DeLellis
Becca Deleporte
Elizabeth Delinger
Steven DellaCroce
Kristina Delmhurst
Mr. Miguel DelValle
Mr. Ryan Demar
Ms. Barbara Densmore
Peter and Florence DeRose
Kelly and Charlie DeRose
Douglas Desilets
Brian and Joanne Despard
Elizabeth Detmold
Dan Price and Bonnie Diamond
Elizabeth Dickson
Kerry Dietz and Eva Schocken
Regina DiLego
Wendy Diotalevi
Lori Divine-Hudson
Mr. Sailesh Dixit
Mrs. Karen Dobiecki
Mr. Gary Dodge
Gregory Doench
Paul and Dianne Doherty
Chip and Karen Doherty
Lisa Doherty
Ms. Dorothy Dolan
Mrs. Catherine Dolliver
Matthew Sadof and Mindy Domb
Malcolm Donald
Charles Brummer and Lynne Donaldson
Kevin Donlan
Ruah Donnelly and Steve Dinkelaker
Cartegiane Dos Santos
Mr. Joshua Drawe
Sonja Drimmer and Casey Quinn
Christopher Dumont
Heather Duncan
Joseph Duncan
Mr. Cody Durant
Leslie Dwight
Marie Dyer
Mr. Leslie Dzuris
Jennifer Edeburn
David Edgecomb
Georgia P Edmunds
Lee Edwards
Mae Ehrnfelt
Mary Eichholz
Marcy Eisenberg
Mr. Khaled Eissa
Travis Eland
Ms. Judith Elbaum
Thomas Elder
Mr. Peter Engel
William Ennen
Mr. Dean Ensor
Michael Erdil and Elizabeth Glackin
James Estabrook
Elizabeth Eustis
Ivelyne Eysenburg
Warren Facey
Tinuke Fadairo
Richard Faesy
Olga Faktorovich
Mr. Eugene Farina
Shawn E Farley and David Mintz
Jennifer Farner
Jeffrey Farrell and Bruno Bouissiere
Mr. Keith Farrie
Bill Arcand and Kate Faulkner
Mr. Channing Favreau
Paul Fein
Barry Feingold and Marci Yoss
Jerry and Julie Feinland
Mr. Richard Felver
Jill Fenner
Vinicius Ferreira
Barbara Ferrick
Tamar and Rob Fields
Fred and Eva Fierst
Adrienne Figus
Shannon Filippelli
Marjie Findlay and Geoffrey T Freeman
Bernard Fine
Judith Fine and Doug Luce
Michael Finkel
Daniel Finn
Jeff Kellogg and Kathleen Fischbach
Lori Fisher
Mr. Kevin Fisher
John J. Fitzgerald
Jeremiah Fitzgibbons
Sarah Fixon-Owoo
Flanders Law Offices
Maureen Flannery
David Flenke
Dr. Lauren Fleury
David Flinn
LaurieEllen and Angel Flores-McLeod
Richard and Shirley Floyd
Carl Foerster
Adam Foldi
Elaine and John Foley
Mr. Joshua Fournier
Greg Franceschi and Lisa Middents
Paul Francis
Louis Franco and Jennifer Rippel
John Frangioni
Ian Fraser
Elliot Fratkin and Martha Nathan
Yvonne Freccero
Donald and Margaret Freeman
Ron Freshley and Linda Tumbarello
Kelly Friend
Julie Frink
Carole Fuller
Holly Fuller
Kathryn Gabriel
Bennett and Lilly Gaev
James and Marianne Gambaro
Mark Gamble
Jason Garand
Bridget Garland
Clara Garland
Frances Garnett
Don and Anne Gasiorowski
John and Gail Gaustad
Frances Gebhardt
David Gengler
Katie and Stephen George
Abby Getman Skillicorn
Alex Ghiselin and Diane Welter
Michael Ghizzoni
Ms. Monica Gichuhi
Mr. James Gigliotti
Jean M Gilbert
Steven Gildea
Brittany Giles
Cynthia Gill
Regina Gillis
James and Harriet Gilman
Christos Giogas
Peter Giordano
Ms. Karen Girard
Laura Girouard
Miss Darnell Giroux
Wayne Glaser and Pamela Skinner
Dominic Glasson
Penina and Mickey Glazer
Len & Nansi Glick
Molly Goettsche Feinstein and Alex Feinstein
Roni Gold
Norbert Goldfield and Sandra Matthews
Leslie Goldstein and Pearl Mosimann
Bruce and Nancy Goldstein
Reuven Goldstein
Solomon Goldstein-Rose
Jim and Jan Golonka
Irma Gonzalez
Lori Gooch
Brian Goodreau
Steve and Gay Goodwin
Emily Gopen and Sonny Crawford
Lee and Betsy Goss
David Gottsegen
Tzivia Gover
Holly Lee and Kathie Gow
Valerie Gracechild
Barbara Graf
William Graham
Amy Granquist
Kim and Myra Grassfield
Hollis and Christine Graves
Mr. Brett Grebe
Greta Green WIlcox and Bruce Wilcox
Laura S Green and Tobias I Baskin
Melanie Green
Rich West and Monica Green
Mr. Samuel Greenaway
Gwendolyn Greene
Kimberley Greenough
Jon Weissman and Joan Grenier
Peter Grew
Dr. Devon Greyson
Al and Sally Griggs
Elizabeth Grimaldi
Vandy Bollinger and Ellen Grobman
Louis Groccia
Tamara Grogan
Mr. Robert Groves
Dr. Ignacy Grzelazka
John Gummere
Nathanel Gunnulfsen
Mr. Jay Gurewitsch
Mr. Hudson Gutsa
Jeannine Haendiges
Donna Haghighat and Chris Dickinson
Mrs. Heidi Haley
Judy Hall and Alistair MacMartin
Lisa Hall
Mary Hall
Rev. Ann Hallstein
Dr. Kareen Hammad
David Handin
John Hanley
Elizabeth Hanlon
Kris Hanson
Nancy Hanson
Jessica Harrington
Alan Eccleston and Linda Harris
Justina Harrison
Helen Hart
Mr. Brendan Harte
Alane Hartley and Russell Braen
Danielle Hartner
Bruce Hartung
Jonathan Ginzberg and Lisa Harvey
Cindy Haseltine
Jon Hastings
Wil Hastings
Bruce and Ruth Hawkins
Catherine Hawks
Bob Hawley and Mary McCarthy
Mrs. Kathryn Hayes
Nancy Hazard
Anne Hazzard
Lyn Heady
Robert Healey
Henry Heaphy
Christine Heaton
Paul Gibson and Ellen Heffernan
Kurt and Robbie Heidinger
Carol Heim
Richard Heiman
Sonia Henderson
Joanne Hentnick
Peter and Margaret Hepler
Ms. Debra Herman
Ms. Yasmine Hernandez
Dan Zukergood and Laurie Herrick
Anne Herrington and Christine Plette
Rudolph Talaber and Marjorie Hess
Miles Hewitt
Erin Hicks
Thomas G Hidalgo
Elizabeth Higgins
Mary Clare Higgins
Mr. Christopher Higgins
Carol Hillman
Richard and JoAnn Hinckley
Mary Hocken
Mr. Vishnu Hoff
Ruth Hoffman
Mr. Chris Hofmann
David and Marcia Holden
Lisa Holley and James Arsenault
Eleanor Holmes
Jennifer Holstrom
Chuck Hommes and Vicki Baum-Hommes
Joan Honeyman
Beth Hooker
Sandra Hoover
Sterling and Margaret Hopkins
Jack Hornor and Ron Skinn
Rick Last and Carole Horowitz
Heather Horvath
Mark Horwitz and Julia Moss
Nancy Hotchkiss
Susan Howard
David Howland
Joanne Hoyt
Joanne B and Caitlin Hoyt
Jody and Mary Ann Hoyt
Rich Hubbard
Gayle Hudson
Jake Hulseberg
Maureen Humpage
Judith Hyde and Helen Armstrong
Mr. Jeffrey Iafrati
Sam Icklan and Maddy Nussbaum
Mr. Andrii Iesiev
Andrew Iglesias
Gaby Immerman
Neil Immerman and Susan Landau
Andrea Ireland
Diego Irizarry-Gerould
Keith Irons
Danielle Irwin
Mr. Kazi Islam
Mrs. Jane Isokungas
Paul Jablon
Lori Jacobson
Ben Gundersheimer and Katherine Jamieson
Mr. David Jardine
Mr. Tomasz Jaster
Mr. Kevin Javier
Abbie Jenks
Amy Jeschawitz
Peter and Phyllis Jeswald
Margaret and Skip Jodoin
Doug and Betsy Johnson
Carol Johnson and Russell Miller
Karin Johnson
Keith Johnson
Mark Johnson
Susan Johnson
Emily Johnston
Mr. Robert Johnston
Michele Johnston-Torras
Carol Jolly
Jeannie Jones
Margo Jones
Rebecca Jones and Scott Wade
Stephen Jones and Adele Franks
Stephen Jones
Dale Jordan
Margaret Jordan
Norton and Jeanne Juster
Tina Kaciak
Helen Kahn and Dorrie Brooks
Ms. Olga Kahn
Sally Kahn
Mrs. Lisa Kallman
Joel Kaminsky and Jody Rosenbloom
David Levit and Ruth Kane-Levit
Sophie Kanetani
Fahad Kashem
Kat Ran Press, Inc.
Ellen Kaufman
Eric Kaufmann
Nithin Kavoori
Catherine Kay and Richard E Cooper
Craig and Annie Kay
Laura Kaye
Dr. Shevaughn Kealy
Jonah Keane
Sami Keats
Kevin Keenan
Sean and Sue Keller
Jonathan Kelley
Thomas Kelley
Marguerite Kelly
Mr. Sean Kelly
Ms. Virginia Kelly
James Haug and Alix Kennedy
Cynthia Kennedy
Fletcher Kent
Kieras Oil
Robert Kieras
Susan Kimball and David Hamilton
Ms. Leslie King
Maureen Kirby
James B Kirchhoffer
Charles Klauder
Jeremy Wise and Jan Klausner-Wise
Robin Kline
Alice Klingener
Amy Klippenstein and Paul Lacinski
Charlie Dydek and Deborah Koch
Carolyn Kohn
John and Elaine Kokoski
Brian and Jennifer Konieczny
Kenneth and Anne Korby
Lewis and Sharon Korman
Philip Korman and Nora Israeloff
Robert Korn
Christopher Kostas and Elizabeth Sharpe
David Kotz and Karen Pfeifer
Amy Krane
Mr. Philip Kraud
Anne Krauss
Louise and Bill Krieger
Bob Solosko and Jean Krogh
Sara T Krohn
Katherine Kruckemeyer and Cathy Spath
Mr. Timothy Kruger
Mr. Joseph Krummel
Neil Kudler and Nancy Flam
Bill and Karen Kukil
Stephen and Suzanne Kulik
Mr. Pramod Kumar
MaryAnne Kuroczko
Matthew Kushi
Andrea Kwapien
George La Rue
Rich and Marianne LaBarge
Mrs. Shelly Labrie
Katherine Lacasse
Sophia and Logan LaCava-Bohanan
Margot Lacey
Mr. David Lachapelle
Jennifer Ladd
Eleanor Lake and Douglas Winsor
Peter Lake
Irene Lamson
George Langford
Christopher Langlois
Susan Lantz
Johnny Lapham
David Laramee
Maria Laranjeira
Matthew Lareau
Mr. Michael Lareau
Mr. Seth Larner
Nathanael and Elizabeth Larson
Joe and Wendy Larson
Jonathan Lash
Craig Latham
Mr. Arnaldo LaTorre
Mark Lattanzi and Cindy Tarail
Loretta Laurenitis
Nancy Laverdiere
Ms. Eleanor Lawler
Mr. Binh Le
Cory Learned
Jaimelee LeBreton
Mr. Simon Lee
Reuben Leinbach
Mr. Terry Leis
Sara Lennox
Jill Lesko
Anne Lesser
Tom Lesser and Maggie Spiegel
Peter and Carol Letson
Henry and Pat Leuchtman
Mark Marshall and Helen Leung
John Leveille
Nathan Leveille
Bob and Monica Leverett
Claudia Levin
John Joelson and Joanne Levin
Stephen and Lois Levin
Stephen Levin
Greg Kline and Robin Levine
Jacob Levirne
Paul Gulla and Tracey Levy
Matthew Lewis
Merrilyn Lewis
Mr. Robert Libon
Barbara Lichtenthal
Conrad Liebenow and Elaine Holder
Diane Liebert and Paul G Cooper
Silvio Lima
Bernie Cohen and Jane Lindfors
Rachel Lindsay
Josh Lipkowitz and Keri Heitner
Dick and Suzanne Little
Ms. Catherine Lodge
Liliana Logan
Anne Lombard
Karen Lombard
John Lombardi
Kimberly Longey
Charles and Mary Longsworth
Judith Loomis
Jean Lopardo
Louise Lopez
Mary Lord
Beth Lorenz
John Loughney and Amy Oliver
Elizabeth Loughran
Mr. Michael Luce
Jane Lund and Thomas Ulrich
Mrs. Debra Lussier
Edmund DeLaCour and Nancy Lustgarten
Daniel and Marlene Lyons
Mr. Pedro Jose Macario
Isabella Carla Machado
Bill Cutler and Lee MacKinnon
Fred and Sue Mackler
Peggy MacLeod
Lawrence and Irene Madden
Michael Madole
Roger Magnus and Ariella Schwell
Valerie Magoon
Flora Majumder
Edward Malinowski, Jr.
Kerry Raivel and Patricia Malone
Stephen Smulski and Meryl Mandell
Jeanne Mangan and Robert Quigley
Joseph Mangiameli
Mr. Tyler Mankowsky
Charles and Karen Manz
Steven and Michele Marantz
Keira Marcelino
William Saunders and Judy Markland
Dr. Steven Markow
Jennifer Markow
Roy Van Driesche and Sheila Marks
Ms. JoAnna Marolla
Mike and Michele Marotta
Harriet Marple Plehn
Joanne Marqusee
Donald Marshall
Jesse Marshall
Sara Marshall
Eridania Marte
Diane Martel and Janet L Kuster
Linda Martin
Ms. Jill Martin
Chris Martinez
Penni Martorell
David Martula
Peter Masi
William and Suzanne Massy
Chris and Susan Mastroianni
Laura Masulis
Daniel and Erin Matica
Kim Matland and Linda Farmer
Mr. Brian Maw, Jr.
Ms. Janet Mazur
Wendy Mazza
Anthony Mazzola
Suzanne McAuliffe
John McCarthy
Mary McClintock
Jesse Mccoomb
Kathleen McCormick
Sean McCormick
Thomas McCue
Hannah McDonald
Mr. James McElhiney
Craig McGadyen Felton
Wesley McGinn Straub
Karin McGowan and Pat James
Chris and Linda McInerney
Susan McIntosh
Mary Jennifer McKenna
Micky McKinley
Daniel Klatz and Caitlin McKinnell
Michelle McLaughlin
Edward McLoughlin
Mrs. Melissa McMahon
Gary Felder and Rosemary McNaughton
Daniel Medeiros
Mr. Jeff Meehan
Mr. Tristam Melcalfe, III
Greg and Claire Melnik
James Menard
Elva Merry
Viviana Mesa
Mr. Eric Meschke
Jill Messick
Nicholas Meyer
Stuart Mieher
Mr. William Milinazzo
Adam Miller and Kate Hellman
Jacob Miller
John Pearsal and Mary Ellen Miller
Patricia Y Miller
Susan P Millinger
Loraine Millman
Mohammed Mohammed
Sue Monks
Kim Montague
Lori Montefesco
William Montgomery
Steven Monty
Julia Mooradian
Mr. Greg Moore
Peter Moore
Harry Dodson and Rachel Moore
Ron Moore
Andrew and Adriana Morehouse
Anne Morehouse and Mary Hurlburt
Leonardo Moreira
Sarah and Pierre Morenon
Kayla Morgan
Kimberly Morgan
Ellen Morrison
Jenny and Meredith Morrison
David Morse and Susan Shepherd
Mr. William Moryl
Eliot Moss and Hannah Abbott
Jeff Moss and Joanne Goding
Nichole Mossalam
Michael Moushabeck
Kevin Mulligan
Mr. Arthur Mulyono
Megan Murphy Wolf and Alan Wolf
Jessica and Eric Murphy
Cait and Joshua Murray
James A and Suzannah Fabing Muspratt
Janet Muzzy
Corey Myrbeck
Mr. Asa Nadeau
Merry Nasser
Katherine Naughton
Mrs. Irina Roxana Neculaes
Richard Nedder
Lee Spector and Rebecca Neimark
David and Katharine Nelson
David Nelson
John Nelson and Jeanne Sargent
Francine Ness and Gary Oleson
Diane and Jane Nevinsmith
Robyn Newhouse
William Newman and Dale Melcher
Jill Newton
Benjamin Ngo
Dat Nguyen
Jeffrey Niemiec
Barry and Ellen Nigrosh
Mr. Michael Nixon
David Noonan
Rebecca Nordstrom
Jennifer Normanly
Terrance Norwood
Nazaire Nzikoba
Gordon and Pam Oakes
Mr. Richard Oberg, Jr.
Michael Oberlander
Jennifer O’Connell
Catherine OConnor
Kim OConnor
Elizabeth Odell
Ms. Christy O’Donnell
Deborah Olander
Darren Oldford
Ms. Jessica Oliver
Krystal Olko
John and Rose Olver
John and Faye Omasta
Ted and Pamela Ondrick
Mr. Amadiegwu Onujiogu
Mr. Peter Onyemelukwe, Sr.
Carolyn Oppenheim
Beverlee Orluske
Joe O’Rourke
Sadie O’Rourke
Benjamin and Katherine Osborne
Robert and Carol Ostberg
Mr. Jeff Ovitt
Michael Posner and Carol Owen
Lou and Martha Pacilio
Robert Padelford
Roland Ratté and Lynne Page
Laurel Palazola
Debra Paleologopoulos
Elli Palmer
Dominic Palumbo
Greyson Pannill and Peter Siersma
Christine Paradis
Mr. Kishore Parmar
Susan Pasterczyk
Aaron Paternoster
David Patriquin
Stephen Patterson
Jody Paul
David Paysnick
David Pederson
Ms. Susan Peebles
Shirley Pelletier
Mrs. Robyn Peloquin
Mrs. Laura Penney-Edwards
Penny Moore Trust
Rus and Jennifer Peotter
Kate Peppard
Mallory Pepyne
Mr. Marcelo Peres
Mr. Rafael Perez
Gail Perlman
Lorna M and Dale Peterson
Steven Pfarrer and Joyce Tousey
Eric Phelps and Emily Hodos
Brian Adams and Morey Phippen
Adriana Picariello
Greg Pilla
Mr. Kevin Pinto
Mrs. Sarah Piragis
Kristin Pisano
Winton Pitcoff and Michal Lumsden
Rosalind Pollan
Mr. Sean Pontani
Thomas Porter and Linda Rotti
Mr. Stephen Potter
Paula Powell
Pamela Powers
Gary Powsner and Christy Grecsek
Barbara Prackneck
Dan Pratt
Mr. Chris Pray
Katherine Preissler
Scott Prentiss
Joseph and Victoria Prior
Deane Prouty
Rochelle Prunty
Pamela Ptak-Interlande
Dennis and Rosamond Purcell
Munira Qureshi
Richard Rabin
Rabib Rafiq
Noa Randall
Patricia Rapinchuk
Ms. Farzaneh Rastegari
Don and Trina Raucher
Casey Ravenhurst
Sean Raymer
Robert and Virginia Rechtschaffen
Dr. Paul Redstone
Briggs Reeder
Jared Reid
Harry and Emily Remer
Tucker and Lin Respess
Mr. John Restelli, Jr.
Mr. Bryan Reyes
Maryanne Reynolds
Maureen Reynolds
Dennis Rhodes
Celia Riahi and Barbara Audley
Mike Perusse and Julie Richburg
Anne Richmond
John O’Reilly and Ann Rick
Diana Riddle
Coral Rief-Duffy
Ms. Katherine Rieser
Mr. Thomas Riley, Jr.
David Rimmler
Pamela Roberts
Mr. Peter Robinson
Shawn Robinson
Stacy Robison and Xanthi Scrimgeour
Mr. David Robuccio
Liv Rockefeller and Kenneth Shure
Mrs. Melissa Rodrigues
Carmen Rodriguez
Andrew Rogers
Anthony Rice and Elaine Rogers
Susan Rogers
David and Susan Roitman
Ilene Roizman
Mr. Matthew Roller, Jr.
Anthony Roman
Denilson Roque
Mrs. Coralie Rosario
Derren Rosbach
Peter and Hedwig Rose
Jeff Rosen and Pam Torre
Johanna Rosen
Dan Rosenberg and Addie Rose Holland
Devorah Rosenberg
Henry W Rosenberg and Katherine Hicks
Kathryn Rosenblum
Naomi and Michael Rosenfeld
Sara Rosenthal
James Ross
Joseph Rossi
Eleanor Rothman
Melissa Roux
Peter Rowe
Travis Roy
Mr. Peter Ruiz, Jr.
Carol Frances Ryan
Michael and Judith Ryan
Lindsay Sabadosa
John and Traci Sackrey
Stephen Sacovitch
Rebecca Sadlowski
Mr. Randy Sailer
Mr. Brian Salamone
Mr. Darren Saletta
Dr. Yves Salomon-Fernandez
Mr. Anthony Samale
Chris and Jenna Sammartino
Samuel Samuels
David and Judith Sanders
Laurie Sanders and Frederic Morrison
Eric and Lise Sanders
Jeff Bliss and Catherine Sands
Whit Sanford and Tom Miner
Ms. Grace Sannino
Gerard Santelli
Mr. Joseph Santos
Bridget and Carl Saviano
Mr. Deryck Savoy
Laura Sayre
Peter Snedecor and Annie Scarff
Gary Schaefer and Barbara Fingold
Matthew Schafer
Mr. Adam Schaller
Elizabeth Scheffey
Anthony Schena
Deborah Schifter
Caroline Schimmel
James and Burd Schlessinger
Susan Schoen
Robert Schrader and Caren Weiner
James and Kristine Schramel
Paul Schroeder
Brian Schultz
Jody Nishman and Penny Schultz
Linda Schwartz
Joel Feldman and Pamela Schwartz
Mr. Antonino Scuderi
Ashley Sears Randle
Judith Seelig
Scott and Mary Seifel
Lisa Selkirk
Mr. Aleksey Semenov
Mr. Clark Semon
Kristina Serino
Mary Serreze
Kathryn Service
Mr. Herbert Seymour, III
Mrs. Kristi Seymour
Annmarie Shaer
Mr. Emmett Shafer
Mr. Joseph Shaktman
Ed and Ann Shanahan
Rebecca Shannon
Mr. Andrew Shaw
Karen Sheaffer
Ann Shelton
Sean Sheridan
Mr. David Sherman
Mr. Davim Shimoni
Hannah Shrimpton
Alfred and Mary Siano
Carl Sigmond
Will and Elizabeth Sillin
Mr. William Silva, Jr.
Robin Silva
Tim Silva and Andrea Freeman
Elizabeth Silver and Lee Badgett
Josh Silver and Nunia Mafi
Scott and Marie Silver
Jason Silverman
Risa Silverman
Brian Silvia
Mr. Sean Simon
Kelly Simpkiss
John and Wendy Sinton
Carl Sittard
Patrick Slaney
Dolores Slapski
Mary E Slater
Andy and Nancy Smith
Charles Cohn and Catherine Smith
Jayne Smith
Kenneth Smith
Keri Smith
Mr. Lucas Smith
Phill Smith
Stewart Smith
Susan Smith
William Snyder
Scott Soares
Matthew and Linda Soffen
Pete and Maggie Solis
Paul Soliwoda
Judith Solsken
Mr. Bora Son
Carlton Soper
Matthew Sorrentino
Juan Sosa
South Congregational Church
Peter Spang
Michelle Spaziani
Greg and Betsy Speeter
Robert Kanig and Debora Sperling
Bob and Diann Speth
Jim and Mary Lou Splain
Eddie Sporn
Mr. William Stafford
Dr. Nathaniel Stambaugh
Marc Ste Marie
Barry Steeves and Rosemary Schmidt
Alan C and Dianne M Stefanini
Joan Steiger
Peter and Jane Stein
Randi Stein
Casey Steinberg and Brittany Nickerson
Julie E Steiner
Robert Stern and Judith Glaser
Shelley Steuer
Aleisha Stevens
Donald and Ellen Stiles
Karen Stocker
Bert Stoker
David Stokes
Norm Hirshfeld and Marsha Stone
Tim Storrow
Paul Strasburg and Therese Saracino
Deborah Stratton
Steven O Strimer and Kathryn Denny
Lucy Stroock
Jay Stryker
Mr. James Stuart
Maryellen Sullivan
Mr. Brian Sullivan
Sean Sullivan
Constance Sumberg
Zachary Swan
Alan and MA Swedlund
Alice Swift
Darrell Swift
Joan Tabachnick and Jane Fleishman
Jillian Tallman
Joe Mahay and Naomi Tannen
Randa Tantawi
Stephen Taranto and Clea Paz-Rivera
Gary and Carlie Tartakov
Jason Tate
Ralph and Vicki Tate
Jennifer Taub
Mr. Robert Taylor
Linda Teixeira
Samuel Teluwo
John J Templeton, Sr.
Mr. Richard Tenney
Mr. Senthil Kumar Thangarajan
Millicent Thayer
Sarah Thomas
Linda J and John Thompson
Robert and Katherine Thornber
Michael Tillyer
Will Timmel
William and Trisha Tinker
Pam Tinto
Martha and Ted Tirk
Scott Tirrell
John Todd and Dorothy Nemetz
Sandra Torrence
Angelo Torres
Maria I Torres
Mr. Juan Torres
Philip and Nancy Torrey
Ms. Cara Totman
Janis Totty and Joann Aalfs
Mr. Edward A. Towles, Jr.
Kathryn Tracy
Trung Tran
Mr. Keith Tremblay
Stephen Trembley
Jane Trigere
Dr. Gene Tsvid
Stephanie Tu
Faythe Turner
Kingsley Turner
William Turomsha
Joseph Twarog and Patricia Healey
Maria and Nicholas Tymoczko
Elaine Ulman
Jonathan Unger and Lynne Kasparian
Dori Urch
Anne Vaillant and Michael Buehler
Fran Van Treese
Jim VanNatta
Mrs. Tara Vermette
Robert and Del Viarengo
Stephanie Vignone
Dede Vittori
Frances Volkmann and Joan Cenedella
Bob Vollinger
Grace Vollinger
Dorothea Von Goeler
Ray W Becker
Emily Wade
Amy Waldman and Amy Martyn
Joseph Visser and Janice Walker
William Walker
Clark Wallace
Marc and Hazel Waller
Mr. Edward D Walsh
Sandy Walsh and Doug Van Slyke
Nick Dines and Susan Waltner
James Wang and Andrea Bugbee
Sandra Ward
Patricia Warner
Thomas Wartenberg and Wendy Berg
Ann Watson
Mr. John Watson
Joseph Watters
Judee Wayne
Marilyn Webster
Beverly Weeks
Adam Weill
Howard Wein
Tinky Weisblat
Navi Weiss
Sharon Weizenbaum
J.P. and Marian Welch
Jeremy A Wells
Kayla Werlin
Jen Werner and Katie Gerstle
Mr. Charles Werner
Anne West-Church and Liz Roberts
Peter Weston
Pete Westover
Marea Wexler
Nathaniel and Shirley Whitaker
Ms. Donna Whiteley
David and Pamela Wicinas
Kathy Wicks
Paki Wieland
Mr. Christopher Wilczewski
William Wildridge
Neal Abraham and Donna Wiley
Mo and Cheryl Willems
Chris Williams
Staunton Williams, Jr.
Cheryl B Wilson
Corinne Wingard
Anna-Beth Winograd and Elizabeth McNamara
Jason Winship
Bob and Janet Winston
Mr. Roger Witt
Lyons Witten and Laura Fitch
Martin and Jude Wobst
Tom and Peggy Wolff
Betsey Wolfson
Karen Woodcock
Trevor Woodford
Michael and Amy Woolf
Dan Croteau and Cate Woolner
Kimberly Wozniakewicz Fisher
Mr. Seth Wright
Mr. Shane Wright
Barbara Wroblewski
Elizabeth Wroblicka
Analee Wulfkuhle
Ms. Dena Xifaras
Mr. Dapeng Xu
Sandra Yager
Mr. Ayhan Yalcin
Hanghai Yang
Mrs. Alphia Yang
Greyson Young
Anna Zadworny
Mr. Owen Zaret
Susan and Bill Zemanek
Althea Zesk
Kristen Ziemba
Fred and Megan Zinn