2019 Donors
Thank you to our 2019 donors!
Nehad Abeid
Chris Abel and Mary Dingman-Abel
Jennifer Ablard
Mark and Wendy Abramson
Yezy Acevedo
Ron Ackerman and Cleo Gorman
Lisa Adamiak
Richard Adams
Shanda Adams
Marlene Adamsky
Mr. Hamdi Adiguzel
Mr. Hamit Tamer Adiguzel
Doug Adler
Arthur Aery
Charles Ahern
Benjamin and Beth Ann Albro-Fisher
Alfred Alcorn
David Alger
Kaitlyn Allegrezza
William Allen
Kristina Almquist
Michael Alterman
Carmela Alvarado
William and Nancy Ames
Michael Amirr
Mr. Dylan Amo
Tom and Betty Andersen
Erik Anderson
Kathleen Anderson
Matt Anderson
Nathaniel Anderson
Fred and Jane Andresen
Seth Andreson
Jean and Jeff Anliker
Montserrat and Mike Archbald
Miguel Arias
Michael Ariely
James Arsenault
Barbara Audley
Nancy August
Camille Awad
Amy and Phil Babcock
Roy Bachinsky
Haeseon Baek
Mr. Benjamin Bailleux
Carrie Baker and Harvey Hill
Mr. Joseph Balbo
Carol Ball and Randie Handleman
Joanna and Clay Ballantine
Jamie Balmer
Smitha Bangalore Naresh
Miss Laura Banks
Ann Barker
Benjamin Barnes
Glenn Barnes
Michael Bartley
Scott Barton and Randi Klein
Lisa Baskin
Claire Bateman
Richard Batstone
Shannon Bazluke
Keith Bearce Jr
Cheryl Beaulieu
Tina Beaulieu
Michael Beck
Allen Belkin and MaryJean O’Reilly
Eric Benjamin
David Bennett
John Benoit
Peter and Ellen Berek
Lisa Berger
Mark Bergeron
Ed and Julia Berman
Ellen Berry
JoseAlberto Betances
David Bettez
Sara Betts
Arjun Bhadouria
Raghunath Bhattarai
Dennis Bidwell and Mary Ann Kelly
Wendy Bierwirth
Russ Billings and Amy Wehle
Andry Bintoro
Gina Birchall
Mark Bishop
Robert and Janet Bissell
Barbara Bitgood
Christopher Bjork
Natalie Blais and Luke Bussard
Dan and Gail Blanchard
Mr. Joshua Blanquart
Caleb Blansett
Maureen Blasco
Jeffrey and Marilyn Blaustein
Peter Blier and Patty Blauner
Joe and Barbara Blumenthal
Michael Boateng
Karen Bogner
Martha Boisvert
Daniel Bona
Gary Boody
Charles Bookman
Marlene Borer
Erica Bosse
Jeff Bott
Joseph Bowe
Elbert and Bernice Bowler
Sean Brady
Teresa Bragg
Susan Brano
Tyler Brassard
Hannah Brazil
Caroline Breen
Alexis Breiteneicher
Joseph J Bress
Marybeth Bridegam
Nathalie and Will Bridegam
MIchael Brisebois
Kevin Brizida
Laura Broad
Ms. Gary Brooks
Bruce Brown
Wesley Brown
John Waite and Eve Brown-Waite
Christopher Brunelle
Steve Bruner
Kamala Brush and Lucy Baruch
Daniel Buckingham
Dr. Robert Jonas and Rev. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas
Jacqueline Burgos
Deborah Burkhalter
Lori and Kathy Burroughs
Jonah Zuckerman and Rebecca Busansky
Rich Butler
James Cabral
Mary Cain
Mrs. Jolene Cairone
Steven Caissie
Eddie Camejo
Lourdes Tallet and Florence Campanile
Donna Campbell
Katherine Campbell
Mr. Robert Campbell
Ms. Paula Cantor
Robert Caplin
Julie Caprera
Robert Caprera
Judy Cardell
Florentino Cardona
Ellen Carlino
David Carlson and Maria Roberts
Marta Carney-Smith
Joseph Carry
John Cartelli
Dwight Carter
Benjamin Carton
Cate Carulli and Linda Sinapi
David Caruso and Sara Hunt
Sarah Carver
Patricia Cassisi
Christine Caton-McGill
Bill & Roxie Cawley
Cornelio Cayode
Frances Volkmann and Joan Cenedella
Mr. Roberto Cespedes
Lorraine Cetto
Gerald Ceus
Cindy Chandler-Guy and Steve Guy
Deborah Charren
Annie Cheatham and Ann Gibson
Angela Cherniak
Julia Chevan and Patricia Jung
Greg and Ann Chiara
Stephen Chojnacki
John and Peggy Christie
Larkin Christie
Nathaniel Christie
Nicholas Jones and Margaret Christie
Kayla Chudzik-Holt
Michael Ciavattieri
Jeannine and Thomas Clark
Kenley Clark
Mr. Richard Clayton
Robin Clifford
Silas Clish
John Levine and Sue Clopton
Joshua Close
Rick and Kathy Cody
Cathy Coffman
David and Doris Cohen
Joseph and Cathy Cohen
Michael Cohen and Chia Collins
Nancy Cohen
Robert and Mary Cohn
Amir Flesher and Kelly Coleman
Ron and Nina Coler
Miguel A Colombia
George Colt and Anne Fadima
Joanne Comerford and Ann Hennessey
Susan Conger
Glenn and Jacklyn Connly
Traci Connors
Catlin Converse
Carla Manene Cooke
Jeannie Cooper
Jonathan Chamutka and Sara Cooper
Brittany Cormier
Joan Coryat
Richard Costigan
Derrick Cotnoir
Christopher Cowell
Andy and Jenny Cox
Sheila Coy
Timothy Craig
Sara Crawley
Phil Lawrence and Sarah Creighton
Ms. Allison Croisetiere
Robert Cross
Shana Crow
Rob Crowner
Sinnia Cruz-Gonzalez
Francis Cummings
Michael Cunningham
Sam J Curalov
Colleen Currie
Regina Curtis
Bill Cutler and Lee MacKinnon
Vivian Miller and Cary Dash
Gutemberg Dasilva
David and Karen Davis
Domenic DeAngelo
Christine and Jeffery DeChristopher
Willyanne DeCormier Plosky
Mr. Adam DeFayette, Esq.
Mrs. Sandra DeForge
Pete DeForge
Edmund DeLaCour and Nancy Lustgarten
Kristina Delmhorst
Kyle Delmolino
Susan Demers
Mr. William Dempsey
Paul DePreter
Peter and Florence DeRose
Janice Desarden
Tom DeSellier
Brian and Joanne Despard
Elizabeth Detmold
Wellerson Dias
Nicol Diaz
Issac Dickinson
Kerry Dietz and Eva Schocken
Ms. Maura Dillon
Brian J Dinsmore
Lucas Dinwiddie
Lisa DiStefano
Lori Divine-Hudson
Karen Dodge
Chip and Karen Doherty
Dianne Doherty
Matthew Dowd
Meredith Dowd
Michael Doyle
Paul Duane
Mr. Jeffrey Dubois
Heather Duncan
Stephanie Dunn Hyles
Martin Johan Duplessis
Mr. Cody Durant
Leslie Dwight
Donovan and Meggin Eastman
Jennifer Edeburn
Georgia P Edmunds
Clara Egonmwan
Mary Eichholz
Rosalie Eisen
Marcy Eisenberg
Dale Eldredge
Michael Ellis
Sonia Ellis
William Ennen
Michael Erdil and Elizabeth Glackin
Ken Estey
Elizabeth Eustis
Miquilina Evans
Tinuke Fadairo
Melissa and Pedro Fagundo
Ms. Massitan Fall
Afshin Farhadi
Shawn E Farley and David Mintz
Jennifer Farner
Mr. Gregory Fater
Bob Fazzi and Diana Buckley
Barry Feingold and Marci Yoss
Julie Feinland
Fred and Eva Fierst
Marjie Findlay and Geoffrey T Freeman
Daniel Finn
Tristyn Fischer
Scott Fitzpatrick
Bernadette Flanagan
Brendan Flannely-King
Maureen Flannery
Linda Flores
R.Thomas Flores
Richard and Shirley Floyd
Tom Flynn
Elaine Foley
Jocelyn Forbush
Alexis Forest
Mark Franklin
Veronica Frantz-Eggleston
Mrs. Kimberly Frasier
Donald and Margaret Freeman
James Freeman
Ron Freshley and Linda Tumbarello
Anthony Frogameni
Carole Fuller
Stephanie Fullerton
Kathryn Gabriel
Bennett and Lilly Gaev
James and Marianne Gambaro
Mr. Andreas Gamborg
Mr. Deepen Ganguly
Luz Garcia
Randall Garnick
John and Gail Gaustad
Ashley Gavioli
David Gengler
Stephen and Katie George
Mr. John Germanowski
Kim Gerould
Alex Ghiselin
Michael Ghizzoni
Ms. Donna Gibson
Regina Gillis
Harriet Gilman
Molly Girton
Judith Glaser
David Glassberg and Lisa Kent
Penina and Mickey Glazer
Stephanie Gleason
Lenard & Nansi Glick
Christopher Goddard
Robert Goes
Richard Goewey
Roni Gold
Norbert Goldfield and Sandra Matthews
Sam Levitt and Ellen Goldsmith
Milson Gomes
Michael Gonnello
Irma Gonzalez
Marion Goodsell
Steve Goodwin
Serja Goram
Beth Goren
Nora Gorenstein
Hubert Gottschlicht
Elizabeth Gouthier
Valerie Gracechild
Stephen Graebener
Harold Demonde Greene
Therese Greene
Gerard Grenier
Al and Sally Griggs
David Griggs
Vandy Bollinger and Ellen Grobman
Maggie Guertin
Jeffrey Knight and Audrey Guhn
Mr. Cody Guilbault
Rosemary Guillette
Mr. Alberto Gutierrez, Jr.
Reeve Gutsell
Frederick Hooven and Heidi Haas
Marcia and Dick Haas
Ms. Juliette Haas
Samson Hale
Judy Hall and Alistair MacMartin
Ramona Hamblin
Rich Hamilton
Daniel Hancock
Joseph Hanley
Travis Hansen
Nancy Hanson
Jessica Harrington
Alan Eccleston and Linda Harris
Faye Harris
Mrs. Samantha Harris
Stephanie Harvey
Wendy Harvey
Wil Hastings
Bruce and Ruth Hawkins
Cathy Hawks
Ms. Cassondra Hayden
Nancy Hazard
Mr. Bobby Hazelton
Anne Hazzard
Betty Hebert
Chloe and Douglas Hegeman
Kurt and Robbie Heidinger
Mr. Joel Helander
Craig Hendrickson
Peter and Margaret Hepler
Chris Herbert
Michelle Heroux
Anne Herrington and Christine Plette
Amir Herzberg
Rudolph Talaber and Marjorie Hess
Amber Higgins
Mr. Christopher Higgins
Tim Hilchey
Roman Hillebrand
Carol Hillman
Mary Hocken
Winsol Reach
Ms. Kathleen Hoenig
Ruth Hoffman
Mrs. Colleen Hogan-Lopez
David and Marcia Holden
William Holland
Mr. Bryce Hollingsworth
Carolyn D Holmes
Chuck Hommes and Vicki Baum-Hommes
Joan Honeyman
Sterling and Margaret Hopkins
Jack Hornor and Ron Skinn
Julia Moss and Mark Horwitz
Anna Houston
Susan Howard
Mr. Paul Howland
Joanne B Hoyt
Mary Ann and Jody Hoyt
Mr. Nghiep Hua
Jim Huber
Maureen Humpage
Judith Hyde
Gaby Immerman
Neil Immerman and Susan Landau
Albert Innarelli
Paul Jablon
Tara Jacob
Mary Jacques
Ms. Eileen Jager
Ben Gundersheimer and Katherine Jamieson
Kimberly Jardim
Hannah Jarrell
Doris Jasinski
Nicole Jeffords
Abbie Jenks
Peter and Phyllis Jeswald
Greta Jochem
Margaret and Skip Jodoin
Mr. Jess John
Doug and Betsy Johnson
Karin Johnson
Mark Johnson
Matthew Johnson
Michael Johnson
Carol Jolly
Becky Jones
Daniel Jones and Cathi Hanauer
Jeannie Jones
Stephen Jordan
Annika Juetten
M J Kafka-Holzschlag
Hadi Kahalzadeh
Sally Kahn
Robert Weitzman and Hollie Kalkstein
Joel Kaminsky and Jody Rosenbloom
Jason Karge
Karissa Karowski
Gabe Karras
Craig and Annie Kay
Laura Kaye
James Kazanovicz
Peter Keane
Mr. John Keegan
Adam Kelly
John Kelly
James Kennedy
Ray Kerns
Gregory H Kerr
Mr. Clinton Kershaw
Micah Kesselman
Rev. Chad Kidd
Susan Kimball and David Hamilton
Jennifer King
Maureen Kirby
Robert Kitchen
Jeremy Wise and Jan Klausner-Wise
Robin Kline
Amy Klippenstein and Paul Lacinski
Mr. Martin Kmetz
Charlie Dydek and Deborah Koch
Carolyn Kohn
John and Elaine Kokoski
Brian and Jennifer Konieczny
Kenneth and Anne Korby
Jeffrey Korff and Shelley Stever
Lewis and Sharon Korman
Philip Korman
Richard Friedman and Rochelle Korman
Kathryn Korte
Chris Kozaczka
Oussama Krir
Bob Solosko and Jean Krogh
Matthew Krokov
Kate Kruckemeyer
David Kuehn
Bo and Karen Kukil
Stephen and Suzanne Kulik
Richard Kump
MaryAnne Kuroczko
Joseph LaBonte
Margot Lacey
Grace and Scott LaChapelle
Jennifer Ladd
Rocio Lalanda
Lamere Landscaping
Scott & Barbara Lamica
Mr. William Lamountain
Laura Lancaster
Mr. Mark Lange, MD
Susan Lantz
Mary LaPlante
Lisa Laprade
Kris Larson
Nathanael and Elizabeth Larson
Jonathan Lash
Loretta Laurenitis
Mr. Tom Lawler
Patricia Lee Lewis
Nichole Lehr
Carl Lemke
Sara Lennox
Seth Lepore
Marna Claywoman and James G Lesniak
Peter and Carol Letson
Mark Marshall and Helen Leung
Bob and Monica Leverett
Mrs. Tiffany Levesque
Claudia Levin
Stephen and Lois Levin
Stephen Levin
Josh Levine
David B Levit
Greg Lewis
Gregory Lewis
Rob Libon
Conrad Liebenow
Mr. Steven Linteris
Paul and Marcelle Lipke
Jonathan Logan
Peter Wulkan and Leslie Lomasson
Anne Lombard
Karen Lombard
Charles and Mary Longsworth
Judi Loomis
Matthew Loomis
Jean Lopardo
Dr. Gloria Lopez
Mr. Benito C Lopez, III
John Loughney and Amy Oliver
Elizabeth Loughran
Christopher Lovell
Lucinda Lucey
Daniel and Marlene Lyons
Richard Clarity and Caroline Mack
Fred and Sue Mackler
Peggy MacLeod
Lawrence and Irene Madden
Roger Magnus
Louise Mahoney
Emily Mailloux
Flora Majumder
Jesse Maki
Joseph Maldonado
Sonia Maldonado
Soumen Mallick
Mr. Ethan Manach
Jessica Manganello
Nancy Mangari
Charles Manz
Dylan Manz
Steven & Michele Marantz
Richard Kump
Mr. Chandrasekar Marimuthu
Renato Marins
Judy Markland
Roy Van Driesche and Sheila Marks
Harriet Marple Plehn
Diane Martel and Janet L Kuster
Maria Martin Arenas
Mr. Adonis Martinez
Bethany Martone
David Martula
Linda Mascaro
Chris and Susan Mastroianni
Karen Matindell
Monica Matouk and John Austin
Cheryl Matubara
Hilary Mattison
Mr. Christopher Mauzy
Christian Mavis
Suzanne McAuliffe
Kathryn Aubry-McAvoy and John McAvoy
Devon McDaniel
Peter McGah
Mr. Timothy McGinn
Susan McIntosh
Mr. Christopher McKenna
Kate McKenney
Daniel Klatz and Caitlin McKinnell
Timothy McNiff
Paul McQuade
James Meehan
William Meehan
Mr. William Mello
Greg and Claire Melnik
Patrick Melnik
Jamison Mendall
Adelino Mendes
Carissa Mendez
Zachary Merriam
Elva Merry
Janie Mersereau
Marc Mersereau
Ray Messenger
Jill Messick
Tristram Metcalfe
Sean Meyer
Stuart Mieher
John Christopher and Margaret Miller
Michael Millette
Rev Paul Millin
Loraine Millman
Mr. Richard Mills
Robert Mitchell
Mehernosh Mody
Kenneth Moesker
Sue Monks
John Monteiro
Jill Moore
Rachel Moore and Harry Dodson
Jason Moran
Susan Moran
Anne Morehouse and Mary Hurlburt
Pierre and Sarah M Morenon
Dakota Morgan
Lindsay Morgan
Mr. Joel Morgan
Barbara Morris-Scharl
Tessa Morrissey
Brad Morse
David Morse and Susan Shepherd
Eliot Moss and Hannah Abbott
Sidney and Miriam Moss
Richard and Janet Moulding
Benjamin Muchler
Tara Mulay
Miss Carrie Muller
Kevin Mulligan
Kathy Mullins
Erin Murphy
Jessica and Eric Murphy
Stephen Murray
James A and Suzannah Fabing Muspratt
Seshagiri Nagineni
Aniko Nagyne Vig
Mr. Dominic Napoli
Katherine Naughton
Georgia Neill
David and Katharine Nelson
Francis Nelson
John Nelson
Peter Nelson
Milkana Nentcheva-Mingels
Francine Ness and Gary Oleson
Alexis Neubert
Diane and Jane Nevinsmith
Debborah Newell
Elizabeth Newell Cell
Robyn Newhouse
William Newman and Dale Melcher
Tracy Nguyen
Barry and Ellen Nigrosh
Jennifer Normanly
Kevin Norton
Tiffany Novak
Robert Nuttelman
James Nyberg
Gordon and Pam Oakes
Jason Obrebski
Mr. Abolade Olaniyi
Mr. Christopher Olanyk
Gilmar Oliveira
Daniel Olshansky and Nancy Garlock
Rick Olson
John, Faye, and Maxx Omasta
Pamela Ondrick
Jane O’Neil
Mrs. Meliss Oneill
John OReily
Joe O’Rourke
Mr. Angel Samuel Ortiz
Benjamin and Katherine Osborne
John O’Shea
Mauricio Osorno
Lauren Ostberg
Ostberg & Associates
Michael Posner and Carol Owen
Barbara Page
Lynne Page
Debra Paleologopoulos
Avery Palmer
Marc Palmisano
Tami Paluca
Mr. Greg Parent
Kishore Parmar
Richard Parrish
Navin Parwani
Tom and Cheryl Pascucci
Yogeshkumar Patel
Dariusz Pater
Jaime Paterno
Carolyn Patten
Stephen Patterson
Stella Paul
Margaret Payne
Shawn Payne
Kathryn Peck
Matthew Peckarsky
John Pehoviak
David Peirce
Luke Pelletier
Melissa Peragallo
Mark Percy
Mr. Jochy Perez
Ms. Judith Perez
Bryan Perlak
Mr. Daniel Perry
Stephen and Elizabeth Petegorsky
Dale and Lorna Peterson
Mr. Ryan Peterson
Nancy Peterson
Christopher Petrucci
Annette Pfannebecker
Susan Phillips
Brian Adams and Morey Phippen
Jana Pickard-Richardson
Michael Pierson
Beverly Pike
Winton Pitcoff and Michal Lumsden
James Pitts
John Place
Anna Plewa
Mrs. Tricha Plourde
William Poccia
John Poignand
Rosalind Pollan
Rebecca Pomerantz
Nandakumar Ponnusamy
Brian Poon
Carol Pope
Mr. Robert Post, Jr.
John Pothier
Julie Pottier-Brown
Dr. Michael Powers
Barbara Prackneck
Lynn Pratt
Mr. Jeffrey Pratt
Ms. Alice Preston
Joseph and Victoria Prior
Deane Prouty
Mr. Louis Purinton
Mr. Sathishkumar Purushothaman
Stephen Quetti
Karen Quinn
Glen Radigan
Mr. Anthony Rae
Caroline Raisler
Mr. Nicholas Randall
Michele Raposa
Darcy Rathbun
Corinne Rawle
Kevin Ray
Robert and Virginia Rechtschaffen
Dr. Paul Redstone
Jennie Renna
Deanne Loonin and Elizabeth Renuart
Lin and Tucker Respess
John O’Reilly and Ann Rick
Gregory Riley and Michael Dates
Ricardo Rangel Rios
Randel Roache
Diana Roberts
Jason Roberts
Richard Roberts
Matthew Robidoux
Stacy Robison and Xanthi Scrimgeour
Rockland-Miller, Eells & Associates
Catherine Rodgers
Mr. Charles Rodolakis
Melissa Rodrigues-Silvestro
Miss Stephanie Rodriguez
Susan Rogers
Tony Rice and Elaine Rogers
Susan and David Roitman
Ilene Roizman
Richard Roos
Jackeline Rosado
Jeff Rosen and Pam Torre
Johanna Rosen
Dan Rosenberg and Addie Rose Holland
Devorah Rosenberg
Naomi and Michael Rosenfeld
Laura Rosienski
James Ross
Catherine Rossi
Tom and Sarah Rossmassler
Eleanor Rothman
Jean Rouillard
Kenneth Roy
Susan Roy
Dream Royston
Projected 2 Perform LLC
Briana Runge
Lynn Russell
Terri Rutkiewicz
Marlene Rye
Alberto Sagastume
Kevin Sahagian
Rosa I Saldana
Ziad Saliba
Samuel Samuels
Shailene Sanchez
David and Judith Sanders
Eric and Lise Sanders
Jeff Bliss and Catherine Sands
Whit Sanford and Tom Miner
Heather Sankey
Jasmine Santana
Luz Santana
Yadira Santiago-Brown
Michael Santos
Lindsay Sayer
Aren Scanlan-Emigh
Michael Schaffner
James and Burd Schlessinger
Mr. Brian Schofield
James and Kristine Schramel
Paul Schroeder
Henry Schumacher
Linda Schwartz
Joel Feldman and Pamela Schwartz
Dick and Marcie Sclove
Jacqueline Scott
Mr. Kyle Scott
Mr. Anthony Sekula
George Semanie jr
Nathan Seymour
Annmarie Shaer
Ed and Ann Shanahan
John Shanley
Arjun Sharma
Janet Shaw
Mary Ellen Shea
Karen Sheaffer
Nancy Sheridan
Mr. Jinyong Shin
John Sierakowski
Martin Silberberg and Ruth Melnick
Will and Liz Sillin
Andrew Silva
Melissa Silva
Romildo Silva
Risa Silverman
Mr. Mark Silvers
Patrick Slaney
Mary Slayter
Saulius Slezas
Rebecca Slitt
Emily Sloane
Andy and Nancy Smith
Meghan Smith
Susan Smith
Syreeta Smith
Meryl Mandell and Stephen Smulski
William Snyder
Matthew and Linda Soffen
Pete Solis
Mr. Robert Solomon
Judith Solsken
Judith Soules
Thomas Soules
Bill Southworth
Mr. Mitchell Soviecke
Renee Sovinski
Perry Sparrow
Michelle Spaziani
Mary Lou and Jim Splain
Daniel Spurling
Mr. Bihari Srinivasan
Dave St Jean
Martha and James St Laurent
Dennis Staropoli
George Stasinopoulos
Diana Stawarz
Barry Steeves and Rosemary Schmidt
Alan and Dianne Stefanini
Stephen Stefanoff
Joan Steiger
Jane Stein
Randi Stein
Henry Stelmach
Joel Stevens
Donald and Ellen Stiles
Mr. Jonathan Stoffle
David and Brenda Stokes
Elizabeth Stone
Norm Hirshfeld and Marsha Stone
Castanea Foundation
Mrs. Alexandra Straus
S James Stringer
Lucy and Daniel Stroock
Mary Claire Strugnell
Jennifer Stuart
Jinchen Su
Cherry Sullivan
Eileen Sullivan
Maryellen Sullivan
Eileen Sullivan-Boss
Alan and MA Swedlund
Alice Swift
Sofia Szamosi
Sean Szawlowski
Jane Fleishman and Joan Tabachnick
Helene Tamarin
Stephen Taranto and Clea Paz-Rivera
Ms. Marykate Tarpey
Ralph and Vicki Tate
Samuel Taylor
Mary Teague
John Templeton Sr
Andrew Terry
Jessica Terry
Aron Thiim
Gerald Thivierge
B & S Thomas
Jennifer Thomas
Dr. Kenneth Thompson
Pam Tinto
Rebecca Tippens
Martha and Ted Tirk
Lyle Tise
John Todd and Dorothy Nemetz
John Toner
Christine Toomasi
Mr. Roger Torre
Cheryl Matubara
Philip and Nancy Torrey
Janet Aalfs and Janis Totty
Edward Towles Jr. and Susan Towles
Richard Treganowan
Stephen Trembley
Mr. David Trinh
Katharine Troast
Michelle Trojano
Jason Trotta
Christopher Trufan
Christopher Tsai
Lloyd Tupper
Peter Tur
William Turomsha
Maria Tymoczko
Elaine Ulman
Jennifer Unkles
Lori Urich
Ms. Julianne Vaccaro
Brian Van Peski
Fran Van Treese
Vicki Van Zee
Mr. Radoslav Vasiliev
Forrest Vatter
Elizabeth Vautour
Kathryn M Veatch
Adolfo Velasquez
Margot Velasquez
Mary Liz Veling
Richard Vella
Heather McCann and Marcus Verduchi
Tara Vermette
Diane Versace
Robert and Del Viarengo
Susan Vickers
Eve Vogel
Peter Vogel
Ravi Vompolu
Dorothea Von Goeler
Emily Wade
Richard Wagner and Ruth Folchman
Will Waldron
Kevin Walsh
James Wang and Andrea Bugbee
Gary Warner
Thomas Wartenberg and Wendy Berg
Corinna Waskiewicz
Carol Wasserloos and Peter Allison
Peter Watroba
Joseph Watters
Marilyn Webster
Beverly Weeks
Tinky Weisblat
Mayra Weiskotten
Jon Weissman and Joan Grenier
Stephen Weldon
Chris Wells
Jeremy A Wells
Jen Werner and Katie Gerstle
Brett Wessel
Paul Wetzel
Nina Weyl
Jessica Whitehead
Nancy Whitehurst
Ms. Donna Whiteley
Joseph Whitman
Nicholas Whitman
David and Pamela Wicinas
Douglas Wight
Staunton Williams, Jr.
William Williams
Cheryl B Wilson
Nathan Wilson
Corinne Wingard
Edward Wingfield
Anna-Beth Winograd and Elizabeth McNamara
Peter Winslow
Bob and Janet Winston
Judi Wisch
Mike Wissemann
Lyons Witten and Laura Fitch
Martin Wobst
Tom and Peggy Wolff
Betty Lynne Wolfson
Mark Wollender
Richard Wong
Michael and Amy Woolf
Susan Worgaftik
Joseph Wroblewski
Elizabeth Wroblicka
Thomas Yelton
Matthew Young
Catherine Youngen
Daniel Zablocki
Nicholas Zeo
Younian Zhang
Kelly Ziemba
Amy Zuckerman