
Lampson Brook Farm Enterprise Zone Redevelopment Opportunity


Request for Pre-Proposals for the Purchase of the 10-acre Enterprise Zone Parcel

The Lampson Brook Farm board invites 2-page pre-proposal submissions describing future applicants’ potential plans for the purchase and use of this 10-acre portion of the 430-acre Lampson Brook Farm (LBF).

Deadline: 2:00 pm Tuesday, September 21, 2021.

Introduction and Overview of the Parcel
The Lampson Brook Farm Enterprise Zone is located in Belchertown, MA, and is on the northeast side of the farm property as shown on the attached map of LBF parcels. On the 10 acres are the remains of a former dairy farm complex including two or three usable buildings and several other buildings that are no longer serviceable and are in need of demolition. Adjacent to the Enterprise Zone are (1) the 44-acre “Community Farm parcel” currently being farmed by a variety of small growers, and (2) the 230-acre “Forest Parcel” that features an extensive trail system and forests that have been under commercial forest management for several decades.

Objectives and Possibilities for the Enterprise Zone
2021 Massachusetts legislation governing the disposition of the five LBF parcels requires that the future commercial use of the enterprise zone be a sustainable, natural-resource based enterprise, ideally with provision for public access, visitation, demonstration or tourism, and public education potential as business is conducted there. Future use should be compatible with other uses of the overall LBF property. The parcel is currently in the “Agricultural” town zoning district but is likely to be re-zoned to accommodate other possible uses of the parcel. The value of the property will be determined by an
independent appraisal that takes into account the potential costs of building demolition, soil testing, and site restoration.

Possible uses of the enterprise zone include the following:
· Food processing and distribution center
· Food cold storage
· Greenhouse microgreens production or aquaculture
· Growing and retailing innovative new products
· Combination of uses that might attract tourism, including shops, public education, and museum space
· Many other possibilities

Criteria for Proposal Selection
The board decision will be based on the total amount of the proposed lease or purchase payment, the compatibility of the proposal with the total LBF management plan (which is now underway), the proposal’s ability to meet the objectives described above, the applicant’s ability to steward the parcel, the applicant’s past performance, experience and demonstrated ability to achieve goals, and the estimated long-term financial sustainability of the proposal.

Submittal Instructions
Proposals should be limited to 2 typed pages plus supporting documents (e.g. maps, photographs, bios of submittal personnel). Proposals should be submitted either electronically by email no later than the closing date to Conservation Works, LLC, or as hard copy to Conservation Works, PO Box 705, North Hatfield, MA 01066. Please also email a copy to Patrick Conzo, UMass Isenberg School,

Proposals should include the following:
· Description of proposed use of the property
· Additional information you might need in order to submit a realistic full proposal at a later date
· Your qualifications and experience relevant to the proposal

For Questions or Additional Information
Please email Jonathan Spiegel, Lampson Brook Board,, or Pete Westover, Conservation Works,

Eventual Full Proposals
The Lampson Brook Farm board will issue a Request for Full Proposals within the next six months.

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