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Find Local FoodCISA welcomes interns to work and learn with us. Most of our internships are unpaid, but if you are a student we will work with your school to help you get credit, participate in a school-funded internship program, or earn work-study hours.
All positions are based out of CISA’s office located at One Sugarloaf Street, South Deerfield, MA 01373 (with some remote time possible). We are looking for interns who can commit up to 10 hours a week during the school year for spring and fall internships or at least 20 hours per week for summer internships.
CISA, a non-profit organization, is one of the leading ‘buy local’ organizations in the nation focused on strengthening farms and engaging the community to build the local food economy. CISA seeks candidates for the internship listed below.
CISA Seeks Intern for 2025 Climate Change & Farming Week
Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture (CISA), located in South Deerfield, MA, seeks one or two enterprising, creative and organized intern(s) to help build a resilient local food system in Western Massachusetts in the following project area:
2025 Climate Change and Farming Week
Climate Change & Farming Week is an opportunity for CISA, farmers, allied organizations, and individuals to host events that build awareness and support for local food and farm businesses as they seek climate solutions. There are typically 10-15 independent events within the week of action each year. To prepare for Climate Change and Farming Week 2025, interns would help CISA:
While Climate Change & Farming Week will be the primary focus of the internship, depending on their interests and abilities the intern may also be able to participate in other climate-related projects underway at CISA.
Essential skills: Meeting deadlines; asking for clarification and/or help with projects; setting goals and timelines and using them to guide progress and troubleshooting; an interest in sustainable and equitable food systems and an interest in education for sustainability.
Desired skills: Spanish speaking and writing; experience working with (or an interest in) farms and farmers; an understanding of climate change and farming systems and how climate change is affecting farmers and farming communities in New England and beyond.
Duration: 4-6 months, number of hours/weeks to be determined.
Location: Hybrid, with occasional meetings in CISA’s office in South Deerfield, MA.
Start date: April 2025 (flexible)
For college and university students, compensation may be available using work study funds or college internship programs. We can also work with you to design an internship through which you can earn college credit.
If you are interested in an internship with CISA fill out our online application. If you have questions, please contact Roisin Quinn, CISA Office Manager.
“Working at CISA was a very rewarding experience, and has further instilled in me the desire to improve food systems for a healthy planet. The variety of tasks I assisted on gave me an insight into the daily operations of a nonprofit working with local farms and markets, and a wonderful opportunity to be in an environment filled with people dedicated to their work in promotion and support of local food systems. The skills and knowledge I gained at CISA are important pieces to the development of my career. Thank you all so much for this opportunity!” Natasha Cnossen, Summer 2019
“Working here has opened my eyes to the importance of local food systems and what our community can do to enhance it. The hands-on experience I have gotten has given me insight on important agricultural issues that inspire me to move forward, and under the kind, approachable staff here at CISA, I feel that my skills have improved and I am becoming more prepared for a career. Thank you, CISA!” Kylee Denesha, Spring 2017
“I thoroughly enjoyed working as an intern at CISA. The internship allowed me to grow and advance myself as a professional when I was working with farmers’ markets. I had much support from the staff at CISA, but had opportunities to work independently. I developed strong interpersonal skills and a good sense of organization. I know I will be using everything I learned from CISA for the rest of my professional career.” Emily Cycz, Summer 2016
In accordance with Federal law and US Department of Agriculture policy, CISA is prohibited from discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.
To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410, or call (800) 795-3272 (voice), or (202) 720-6382 (TDD).