Valley Bounty, April 20: Pickles
If the warm weather this week leaves you hankering for a pickle, don’t forget that you can make quick pickles from lots of different vegetables, including those available in early spring—young carrots, sweet hakurei turnips, fresh radishes. As the season progresses, try asparagus, garlic scapes, or baby beets. Summer farmers’ markets are opening over the next couple of weekend.
Web extras
Farmers’ Market information is here. Note opening day information under the day of the week and time. Remember that you can sort this list by proximity to your zip code (at the bottom), or by day of the week, payment method, or by whether or not the market is open in the next week (all in the left-hand column).
For ready-made local pickles, look for Real Pickles and Mother’s, Inc.
For quick pickling inspiration and recipes, see this blog post from the Kitchen Garden.
Preserving tips:
Quick pickles are made and eaten quickly. Traditional vinegar and lacto-fermented pickles offer the benefit of storage for later eating through the winter. If pickling or other preservation methods are new to you, now’s the time to plan for learning these skills in time to put them into use this summer. Watch CISA’s events calendar for workshops on preservation, read up on pickling (see our preservation resource list here), or find a friend who’s willing to teach you. Join our Local Hero Challenge to let your friends and neighbors know how you get ready for the bounty of summer in New England!