
Local Food Impact Calculator

When you buy local agricultural products your purchase supports the local economy and helps create jobs in our region!

Have you ever wondered what impact your food choices have on the local economy?

Now CISA can help you understand why choosing local tomatoes helps create jobs and other economic benefits in our community.

Just fill out our interactive calculators and share with your friends to spread the word about the many reasons to buy local!

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We provided tips to help you ballpark your food spending estimates - just scroll over the TIP buttons.

Part I: Tally your local food purchases


Per month, approximately how much does your household spend on groceries (including CSAs, farm stands, and grocery stores, but not including alcohol or non-food products)?

TIP: A 2-person household in the US spends an average of $400/month and a 4-person household spends an average of $750/month. (See FAQs and Methodology below for additional details.)


During the past year, if your household belonged to any CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture), please enter what you spent on each, per year:
Vegetable and fruit CSA or bulk purchase:$
Meat CSA or part of an animal:$
Dairy and/or Eggs CSA:$
Grain CSA:$
Whole farm CSA:$
Other (food) CSA:$


In an average summer month, about how much does your household spend at SUMMER farmers’ markets, farm stands or otherwise purchase food directly from farms in the summer (not including CSAs)?

TIP: One estimate is that a visitor spends an average of $26 at summer farmers’ markets in one visit. Summer months include May through October.


In an average winter month, about how much does your household spend at WINTER farmers’ markets or otherwise purchase food directly from farms in the winter (not including CSAs)?

TIP: According to CISA, between $21-30 is the average spent at winter farmers’ markets in one visit. Winter months include November through April.


Per month, about how much does your household spend on food that is described as “local” from the grocery store or supermarket?

TIP: In addition to fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, and dairy, you can find lots of products with locally grown ingredients at your local grocery store such as jam, relish, salsa, ice cream, etc.

View FAQs and Methodology

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