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Adapt Your Farm to Climate Change – 2023 Events

Irrigation Systems and Management at Warner Farm

July 13th, 2023 @ 4:00-6:00pm
Warner Farm, Sunderland, MA

Warner Farm, a CSA and wholesale farm as well as the home of Mike’s Corn Maze, located in Sunderland, MA, has been developing its irrigation capacity since the late 1970s. Join CISA and Dave Wissemann of Warner Farm for an up close look at how they are optimizing their water resources and water distribution systems to ensure the sustainable production of crops throughout the season and in the face of increasingly uncertain growing conditions. The workshop includes a farm walk to see irrigation equipment and set up and a detailed explanation of how the farm’s systems are designed and maintained. 

Click here to read more and register.

Sawyer Farm Reduced-Till Perennial Clover Trials

July 20th, 2023 @ 4:00-6:00pm
Sawyer Farm, Worthington, MA

Over the past several seasons, farmers at Sawyer have been experimenting with different ways to plant row crops into perennial white clover and reduce tillage using a series of innovative practices. Join Sawyer Farm’s Lincoln Fishman for a close look at transplanter shoe adaptations designed to reduce soil disturbance and weed competition in perennial clover and cash crop production. This in-person workshop will be followed with an on-farm networking opportunity.

Click here to read more and register.

Reed Poultry Farm: Composting for Business Diversification and Climate Change Adaptation

September 21st, 2023 @ 4:00-6:00pm
Reed Farm, Sunderland, MA

Join Reed Poultry Farm for a look at their new composting enterprise that adapts to climate change by diversifying income streams and reducing farm waste. Reed Poultry Farm received an adaptation grant from CISA last year and used it to attend the Maine Compost School to learn about turning their farm’s “waste” into compost and a new source of income. After taking a look at the composting system we’ll have time for networking with technical assistance providers and other farmers who have received adaptation grants. Drinks and snacks provided!

Click here to read more and register.

Climate Change and Farming Week!

September 18-22

For the second year in a row, CISA is encouraging organizations, government agencies, farm and food businesses, school districts, and others to sponsor events focused on climate change and farming in Western Massachusetts and farther afield. This aligns with other climate change related events hosted by many organizations worldwide in conjunction with the UN General Assembly meetings in New York. Read more about Climate Change and Farming Week here! 

Or register your own climate-related event here! 

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