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CISA Workshops: Adapting Your Farm to Climate Change Annual Workshop Series’ 2022

Will the Inflation Reduction Act Bring New Funding for Farms and Food Systems?

September 19 @ 4:00 pm5:00 pm
Free (Remote)

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) recently passed by Congress includes significant funding for agriculture, much of it focused on climate change adaptation and conservation. Join CISA and Jesse Womack from the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition for a deep dive into the programs and funding that will be available to farms here in Massachusetts and beyond. Jesse will fill us in on key elements of the bill impacting how the funds will be spent, how the programs will support the expansion of climate resilient food systems, and how the IRA will impact next year’s Farm Bill renewal.

About the presenter:
Jesse grew up working as labor on various farms and holds a B.A. in Environmental Studies from Gustavus Adolphus College and a Masters in Food and Agricultural Law and Policy from Vermont Law School. After undergrad, Jesse served as an Americorps VISTA developing programing for local food farms and businesses in southern Minnesota. Jesse transitioned from that role to leading a nine-county agricultural resilience study while coordinating programing for the Feast! Local Foods Network. Most recently, Jesse worked with the Nature Conservancy in Ohio to improve water quality and carbon outcomes by promoting conservation practices to farmers.

Workshop brought to you by CISA and Central Mass Grown.

Register here!

Attract Native Pollinators to Your Farm

September 22 @ 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Just Roots Farm, Greenfield, MA, 

This workshop will help commercial and hobby farmers of all sizes design native pollinator habitats on their land. Attendees will hear from farmers and others about how, when, and what to plant, tips on maintenance, and sources of funding and technical assistance. The workshop will be followed by refreshments and pizza.


  • Meryl Latronica: Director of Farm Operations, Just Roots
  • Dan Pratt: Founder, Astarte Farm
  • Michelle Cozine: State Biologist, MA NRCS
  • Rose Schwartz: Soil Conservationist, Franklin County NRCS

Workshop brought to you by Just Roots, UMASS, NRCS and CISA.

Register Here!

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