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Amherst Mobile Market

Amherst, MA 01002
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11 de junio al 12 de octubre de 2024.
June 11 to October 12, 2024.

Pay With: Credit/Debit, SNAP/EBT


Visite Amherst Mobile Market para comprar productos a la carta a precios de mayorista.

Sábados de 10 am a 2 pm. Junto a la Estación de Bicicletas Valley en East Hadley Rd.

Martes de  3 pm a 6 pm. Área Recreacional de Groff Park, 83 Mill Lane.

Miércoles de 3 pm a 6 pm. Área Recreacional de Mill River, 95 Montague Road.

Jueves de 3 pm a 6 pm. Complejo de Apartamentos de Colonial Village. 81 Belchertown Road.


Visit the Amherst Mobile Market for a-la-carte produce at wholesale prices.

Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm. Next to the Valley Bike Station on East Hadley Rd

Tuesdays from 3 pm to 6 pm. Groff Park Recreation Area, 83 Mill Lane

Wednesdays from 3 pm to 6 pm. Mill River Recreation Area, 95 Montague Road. 

Thursdays from 3 pm to 6 pm. Colonial Village Complex Apartments. 81 Belchertown Road.


Summer, Fall

Day of the Week

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday



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