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Robariah Farms

5 Capt Lathrop Drive
Deerfield, MA 01373
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5 Capt Lathrop Drive Deerfield Massachusetts 01373
Pay With: Credit/Debit, Venmo
Wholesale: Restaurants, Grocery Stores
Growing Practices: Chemical Free/ Sustainably Grown
Contact: Robert Friedman


Robariah Farms specializes in local, pasture-raised, kosher-certified poultry and other meats.

Sustainable pasture management practices, including daily rotation of mobile shelters, provide animals with continuous access to fresh pasture, sunlight, and clean air, which enhances animal health and nutrition. Regenerative farming practices further restore soil fertility and support climate change resilience. For processing, Robariah Farms applies an ethical, humane framework through its kosher-certified practices.

Robariah Farms offers CSA meat shares directly to customers, as well as wholesale to food co-ops, farm stores, caterers, and institutions across New England.

Order your CSA chicken share today. Limited availability.

What We Grow


Chicken, Duck, Lamb, Turkey

Growing Practices

Chemical Free/ Sustainably Grown

Farm Stand

Order your CSA chicken share today. Limited availability.

Pick Your Own

Order your CSA chicken share today. Limited availability.

Community Supported Agriculture

About Our CSA
Our chickens forage in the fields from spring through fall. You can plan to receive your chicken CSA share following the next shechita (ritual slaughter), subject to availability. You can buy CSA shares in multiples of 5 chickens (e.g., 5, 10, 15, 20) and get them whole, halved, or cut-up. We encourage you to order for the year, as only offer a couple batches per year. We also offer multiple pick-up locations (subject to change).
We are currently accepting orders for pick up in June 2025.

If you have questions, please email



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