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Rooted Flowers

501 Shoemaker Lane
Agawam, MA 01030
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501 Shoemaker Lane Agawam Massachusetts 01030
Pay With: Credit/Debit
Growing Practices: Chemical Free/ Sustainably Grown
Contact: Rebecca Sadlowski
Rooted Flowers Family


Rooted Flowers is a specialty cut flower farm in Agawam, MA. Fresh flowers are available daily at our farmstand from April through November. We grow to create to create with what we grow. We do not supplement with imported flowers or domestically flown.

Want to learn more about Rooted Flowers? See interviews, profiles, and other media coverage here!

What We Grow

Nursery + Flowers

Annuals, Cut Flowers, Hanging Baskets, Heirloom Seedlings, Seeds, Sunflowers



Growing Practices

Chemical Free/ Sustainably Grown

Farm Stand


From April-December we offer a selection of what is best in season on our farm. The selection changes with every week and every season as we strive to bring you the very best local product.

10 AM until dusk

GPS: 501 Shoemaker Lane, Agawam, MA 01001. Our walk-thru stand is in front of the blue building.

We accept exact cash, Venmo or fill out a “Pay Ticket” for an emailed invoice. Gift certificates can be redeemed by using a ‘Pay Ticket.’

Family Fun

Interested in learning how to grow a cut flower garden at home? Join our Online Learning Community or learn more on our blog.

Community Supported Agriculture

Our flower subscription provides flower enthusiasts with the opportunity to regularly receive premium, sustainably grown flowers that are freshly harvested from our River Valley fields all season long. Subscriptions arrive to your door. We welcome you to become a part of our floral community!

Shop now!



Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter

CSA type by product


Holiday Product Details

Sign up for our newsletter to be the first to know when holiday specials are available! We offer speciality items for Easter, Thanksgiving, Valentine’s Day, Winter Holidays, and Mother’s Day – 100% from our farm.


Rooted Flowers Family
Rooted Flowers Dahlia
Rooted Flowers Wraps
Rooted Flowers Bouquets
Rooted Flowers Dahlias
Rooted Flowers Tulip
Rooted Flowers Tulips

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