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Sentinel Farm

37 Cottage St.
Belchertown, MA 01007
View Map
37 Cottage St. Belchertown MA 01007
Pay With: Credit/Debit
Wholesale: Schools
Growing Practices: Chemical Free/ Sustainably Grown, Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
Contact: Steve & Meg Lanphear
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As a small family farm located in the center of Belchertown, we focus primarily on apples and peaches. Blueberries, plums, pears, herbs, maple syrup, and honey help to round out our offerings. IPM, low spray, and no spray are practiced on our various crops. Pick your own apples starting in September. Belchertown Farmers Market starting mid June. Educational programs available upon request. Visit our website for details.

Want to learn more about Sentinel Farm? See interviews, profiles, and other media coverage here!

What We Grow

Dairy + Eggs

Eggs (chicken)


Apples, Blueberries, Peaches, Plums


Cilantro, Dill

Honey + Maple

Honey, Maple Syrup


Garlic (cured), Garlic Scapes, Sweet Potatoes, Tomatoes

Growing Practices

Chemical Free/ Sustainably Grown, Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Farm Stand

  • Sentinel Farm
    37 Cottage St.
    Belchertown, MA (map)
    (413) 559 8435/(413) 5598436 Self-serve open as items are available

Family Fun

Make your own cider. PYO times only.

Our Customers

Pick Your Own

  • Apples
    We will be open for PYO starting Labor Day weekend and from then on, weekends only 2024,10:00 – 5:00. Thank you for your support, and please keep in touch.


Summer, Fall




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