
For Sale: 2000 Ford Ranger

I’m selling my well loved 2000 Ford Ranger (small pickup truck), which would be ideal for a farmer or gardener.  A brief description follows, as well as a link to the craigslist posting which has multiple pictures.  I’m asking $3,500, will consider offers. Please contact me directly at if interested. The truck in Easthampton, it is currently registered and insured and can be test driven.

-2000 ford ranger, 151,000 miles

-manual transmission

-4 wheel drive

-extended cab (4 doors, 4 seats)

-minimal rust (from SC originally)

-camper cap

-newer tires and set of lightly used unmounted snow tires

-well mantained, doesn’t need anything except exhaust work (which is not required to pass MA inspection, due to age)

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