Hiring: Marketing Coordinator for Fresh Start Farms NH
Application Deadline: January 31, 2018
Position Start Date: February 19, 2018
Employment terms: This is part-time 20-hour/week position. The position is grant funded until November 2018, with the possibility to renew based on funding and performance.
Job Summary: The Organization for Refugee & Immigrant Success is seeking a motivated, creative and personable Marketing Coordinator to support Fresh Start Farms NH, an immigrant and refugee farmer collective. Participants in ORIS’s incubator farmer training program, as well as new American farmers that have developed cooperatives, sell their products under the Fresh Start Farms NH collective brand. The incumbent of this position will be responsible for marketing and sales for Fresh Start Farms NH. The market coordinator will also be responsible for providing on-site technical assistance to farmer entrepreneurs at ORIS’ incubator farm site in Dunbarton, NH, with fulfilling quality and timely orders of produce through Fresh Start Farms NH.