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Hiring: Packaging Crew – Appalachian Naturals

About the Business: Appalachian Naturals is nestled in the hilltowns of western MA where we produce over 20 products which are sold throughout the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions. Every harvest season we process close to 15,000 lbs of tomatoes which go into our salsa and tomato puree products, we also do several hundred pounds of cranberries which go into our 2 cranberry sauces. All of this is done in a 1800 square foot barn surrounded by wooded wetlands in the town of Goshen.

Packaging Crew: Appalachian Naturals is looking for friendly, positive thinking, natural/organic food enthusiast, to hand apply labels to mason jars. Available days are Fridays (and/or possibly Tuesdays), 9-5. Other responsibilities may include helping the production crew prep tomatoes, clean-up, pallet organizing/stacking, and breaking down boxes for recycling. Pay is $10/hr, season ends in early October with the possibility of staying on as Production Crew if everyone feels it is a match. Please send a letter of interest and references to

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