
Local Hero Logos

We encourage Local Hero members to use the Local Hero logo in your own product promotions. Please remember that Be a Local Hero, Buy Locally Grown® is a registered trademark of CISA. Local Hero members, through their enrollment in the Local Hero program, have permission to use the Local Hero logo in connection with their products or services, as defined by the enrollment agreement.

In order to help ensure consistent recognition of the brand, the logo or language related to the Local Hero brand should not be altered in any way and must be 100% visible with the web site address legible.

For use by current members of the Local Hero Campaign only.

Contact CISA at 413-665-7100 with questions.

Logos in JPEG format (for general use)

To access JPEG logos, right-click and select “Save target as” or “save link as.”

Logo in color
Logo in black and white

Logos in PNG format (with transparent backgrounds for web use)

To access PNG logos, right-click and select “Save target as” or “save link as.”

Logo in color
Logo in black and white

Logos in EPS format (for graphic designers and high-quality print use)

Logo in color
Logo in black and white

If you have difficulty downloading the logos, call the office at 413-665-7100 and we will help you.

Looking for the CISA logo? Contact us!

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