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Local Hero Profile: Jake’s

chris ware alex washut jakes

Christopher Ware and Alexander Washut

Best friends Alexander Washut and Christopher Ware have co-owned Jake’s since 2011. Chris and Alex prioritize flexibility and creativity on their menu, not least because it enables them to play with seasonal ingredients or to incorporate produce from unexpected visits from farmers. They pride themselves on serving great food in a comfortable atmosphere using local and organic ingredients. “It’s hard to argue against the quality and freshness of local!” says Christopher.

A taste of the menu:

Definitely come for the weekend’s Special Benedict — that’s a menu item that often highlights seasonal produce. Also, the Daily Hash is one of the most popular items, and they have over sixty hash recipes in rotation!

What’s your favorite part of your job?

“Getting creative with the seasonal harvest. We love working with special local offerings like ramps, fiddleheads, and garlic scapes, and extending the season with food preservation.”


A reason to come to Jake’s

They know what’s good! Chris says they look forward to local tomatoes each year, because “they’re the hardest to get super-ripe out of season.”

Did you know?

Jake’s Restaurant was just barely able to open their doors for the first time due to the unexpected ice storm of 2011. Chris and Alex stayed up for two days fighting with generators and trying to keep the new shipment of food from spoiling. Their tireless efforts were successful and they were able to open on November 2nd, 2011.

stock potato picJake’s supports Szawlowski Potato Farm

Farmer: The Szawlowski family

Story: Szawlowski Potato Farm is a third generation farm (they recently celebrated their 100th anniversary!) and one of the largest potato farms in New England. They grow Round White, Red, Yukon Gold, and Russet potatoes on 2,500 acres. Szawlowski Potato Farm currently sells quality potatoes to many Local Hero restaurants in the Pioneer Valley.

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