
Looking to rent/borrow or buy used Tractor Attachments

Looking to rent/borrow or buy used Tractor Attachments

I am new to this area and just starting a farm (been farming for 12 years) and I am looking for a number of category 1 attachments for my Ford Jubilee tractor.  In a perfect world I am looking to borrow/rent them since I will only need them this spring to transition hay fields to veggie production and then I will be transitioning to No-till. But I know that is a long shot so if you have used attachments you want to sell, let me know! I am in the Shelburne Falls area.

This is what I am looking for:

  • 2 bottom plow/moldboard
  • disc harrow
  • Perfecta field cultivator (since I doubt I will find that used, I’m also looking for:
  • some kind of secondary/finishing/seedbed prep cultivator (no rototillers, Jubilees are to fast to pull them)
  • rotary/bush hog
  • wheel or axle weights

Contact Lindsay at

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