
MA Question 3 Roundup

At CISA, we’ve been following the debate around Ballot Question #3 with great interest. The proposed change to the rules around animal confinement would impact the practices and livelihood of one farm family in the state, and it would prohibit the sale of eggs and meat from animals that have been confined.

Our work at CISA includes advocating for farmers, pushing for positive change in our local food system, and working to help people find, and afford, the type of food they want to buy. This is an issue that affects different members of our constituencies in widely varying ways, and advocates on both sides have made reasoned, and reasonable, arguments.

We encourage you to read more about it, and consider your own priorities, values, and theory of change—we don’t have a clean answer on this one! But we can share a lot of information, so we’ve posted a number of articles from local and statewide media outlets on our website here.

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