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Massachusetts lawmakers tour several farms in Pioneer Valley (Video)

NORTHAMPTON, Mass. (WWLP) – Members of the Massachusetts Legislative Delegation toured a number of farms on Friday, from Sunderland to Hadley.

State lawmakers said this was a chance to get a snapshot of what local farmers need. Out of four stops. 22News was there for stop number three. Lawmakers convened at Barstow’s Dairy Farm and Store, a place that’s remained in the family for at least seven generations.

A 22News crew spoke with Representative Natalie Blais of Sunderland. She said this is an opportunity to speak with farmers about what they’re experiencing, as well as legislation that she said they’ve offered that could help to address it. Like a bill aimed at addressing livestock infrastructure.

“We have an omnibus piece of legislation that would really look at each one of the challenges our farmers are facing and really try to holistically find a way to support them,” said Rep. Blais.

Blais noted that a packet with “policy opportunities,” like next-generation farmer fund, and incentives for donating food. Also, on Friday’s trip, Senator Jo Comerford, Reps Dan Carey, and Mindy Domb among other organizations.

Click here to watch the full video report from WWLP.