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Members start shopping at new Quabbin Harvest Co-op

The Recorder. October 2, 2014. By Tracey Prohaska Carroll.

The long awaited shopping venue for healthy, local and organic foods and other products has finally arrived for Quabbin Harvest Co-op members and will be available to the general public starting Oct. 15.

The co-op’s move from the tiny storefront once located in the Orange Innovation Center to 12 North Main St. is complete, although not all the equipment is working fully yet.

Store Manager Julie Robinson says members were invited to shop this past Wednesday and again next Wednesday as a way to help test the store cash register system and product bar codes. While produce and frozen items are unavailable until later this month, leaving the store stocked at half capacity, there is still a large variety of dry and canned goods ready for purchase.

Tasks still on the store’s to-do list include getting the freezers and refrigerators wired and running, a big part of why the co-op postponed its original August opening date.

Regulations won’t allow for the coolers and freezers to be stocked until they are fully functioning for about a week. Robinson says she hopes they will be ready for the public on Oct. 15, but is keeping in mind that the coolers have been generously handed down to the co-op and she’s ready for any hiccups that may occur. The weighing system for the bulk items is still getting it’s kinks worked out as well.

Several members showed up Wednesday to pick up weekly produce shares and were excited to do some shopping through the aisles as well. Robinson was on hand to help staff with training as well as answer any questions members had.