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Find Local FoodCISA collects the basic personal information needed to provide information and services to our members and donors. CISA does not sell or rent its member information. We may occasionally exchange on a one-for-one basis the names and street addresses of a limited number of members with other non-profit organizations. Members who wish to opt-out of these exchanges may elect to do so by emailing CISA’s development office at or by calling 413-665-7100, ext 12. We do not sell, rent, exchange, or otherwise share e-mail addresses outside of the organization. Internally, we do use e-mail addresses collected from web site transactions, events and other outreach activities to send communications about specific topics or activities which we believe may be of interest to you. By using our web site, you consent to the collection and use of personal information as described above. If CISA’s policy regarding the collection and use of personal information should change, we will post the policy change on this page. Continued use of this site shall be deemed as acceptance of the changed policy. CISA cannot be responsible for privacy on third party web sites linked to our site.