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Vulnerability and Resilience Assessment and Planning Tools

The resources here focus on farm vulnerability and resilience assessment and planning tools that can help farmers identify actions that will increase their farms’ ability to respond to the impacts of climate change. CISA does not endorse any one tool in particular and encourages farmers to explore these and other approaches. CISA’s Technical Assistance team is available to help you with your assessments, contact our Climate Program Coordinator, Stephen Taranto, at 413-665-7100, ext. 17 or

Assessment & Planning Tools and Resources

Assessing a farm’s strengths and weaknesses in the context of climate change is an important step toward resiliency. The assessment tools and related resources listed here can help establish your farm’s vulnerability and resiliency as you embark on the adaptation process. Hand-in-hand with assessing your farm’s climate vulnerability and resilience comes planning for the adaptations necessary to thrive. The resources listed here are also include examples of planning tools you can use to guide the adaptation process.

Massachusetts NRCS Technical Assistance Programs

USDA Vulnerability Assessment

USDA COMET: Whole Farm and Ranch Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Accounting System

USDA Northeast Climate Hub

UMass Clean Energy Extension

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For more information about CISA’s Climate Program, contact or 413-665-7100, ext. 17.