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10. My market isn’t attracting many EBT customers

Available resources:

  • HIP flyers and HIP signage. Free resources are available for download!
  • Contact Mary Loughlin of The Food Bank of Western Massachusetts to help spread the word at community partners near your market.

Tips from market managers:

  • Talk about HIP in your newsletter, website, and other marketing tools. Cross-post to the “HIP-Healthy Incentives Program, Pioneer Valley” Facebook page.
  • Make sure you have prominent signage for your market, with SNAP/HIP visible.
  • Ask SNAP customers how they heard your market accepts SNAP/HIP,  and if they have suggestions for how to spread the word. Ask them to share with their friends – and send HIP flyers with them to give to friends or to post in community areas.
  • Host a tour of your market! Ask CISA for help leading the tour if necessary. Contact The Food Bank for suggestions of community agencies to reach out to, including senior centers, community action organizations, WIC offices, food pantries, churches, and housing developments nearby.
  • Transportation can be a barrier to attending markets. Consider coordinating with organizations that may be equipped to provide shuttle service to and from the market on market days.
  • Think about providing special accommodations customers may need (i.e. chairs, shady spaces, events, or activities for children).

Helpful phrases:

  • “So glad you came out to the market! Can I ask how you learned about HIP at the market?”
  • “Would you mind sharing about the market with your friends and family?” (give flyer)

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