5. Vendors getting lost in SNAP application process and HIP onboarding
Available resources:
- Have vendors follow these instructions and contact MarketLink support (also at that link) to check in on the process, get questions answered, and help move things along. Farmers who are engaged and attentive to the process from start to finish can receive their equipment and be ready to process SNAP in a few weeks.
Tip from CISA:
- Many farmers began applying for SNAP but have gotten stuck somewhere along the way. Others were approved for HIP but haven’t completed the final steps to get up and running. If farmers lose track of what they need to do next, fail to respond to requests, or don’t check in when they are concerned, the process will take a lot longer for them. If your farmers have not recently been in touch with DTA and CISA, encourage them to reach out to CISA or DTA to establish where they are in the application process, and to be diligent about following up on the application steps.
Helpful phrases:
- “Grant funding is first-come, first-serve to get your equipment, so let’s figure out what’s holding you up.”
- “You’ve been in this process for a long time! There may be some additional steps you’re not aware of that are holding up the process – please check in with our contact at CISA so you can get going ASAP.”