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General Information

CISA logo for resourcesPricing and Invoicing
A simple two-page guide that outlines the main factors involved in setting your prices and creating invoices.

CISA logo for resourcesCollecting Sales Tax on Farm Products
A guide to collecting sales tax on farm products sold at farm stores or farmers’ markets in Massachusetts. Note that sales tax laws are different in each state.

Pricing for Profit
Iowa State University explains pricing through customer/market based, competition, cost based methods.

Cornell Meat Price and Yield Calculator
This tool helps you set meat prices for each marketing channel in which you sell.

Price Reports

Local Foods Data Tracking Program in Vermont
This page provides public access to aggregated pricing data on local fruit and vegetable crops, meat, poultry, and eggs in Vermont.

MOFGA Organic Price Report
The Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association (MOFGA) produces regular retail and wholesale organic price reports during the growing season.

NOFA-NY Organic Price Index
A regularly updated searchable index to retail and wholesale prices for organic products in New York.

Terminal Market Prices for Specialty Crops
This page lists regularly updated wholesale pricing for produce that is sold through the country’s terminal markets, including the closest terminal market in Boston, MA.

USDA Market News
USDA provides exhaustive price reports by specific product.

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