
Specialty Food Producer

2015 Local Hero Enrollment for Specialty Food and Product Producers

Restricted to businesses that use 50 percent or more locally grown ingredients/materials in their value-added products.

Look at the Specialty Food and Product Producer application form  for more details about the services and benefits of the program. To be eligible businesses must provide a list of at least four farms that they purchase from on a routine basis (either directly or through distributors). This can include farms from the Pioneer Valley or from any of the following areas that abut a member’s county including Berkshire County, Windham VT, Cheshire NH, Tolland or Hartford CT, and the Quabbin Region of Worcester County.

Membership Level (Choose One)

All fees include the online discount

Tier 1 Business Bronze $145

Tier 1 Business Silver $225

Tier 2 Product Bronze $145

Tier 2 Product Silver $225

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