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Local Food for All

CISA’s Local Food for All programs work to increase access to local food throughout the Connecticut River Valley. You can support CISA’s mission and programs by making a donation today!

CISA’s Senior FarmShare program subsidizes summer CSAs for low-income seniors, providing them with 10 weeks of local healthy produce. Over 450 seniors in Hampden, Hampshire, and Franklin counties receive farm shares from one of 11 farm partners in 2020. Most seniors that participate in Senior FarmShare report that it has a significant impact in improving their overall diet. You can learn more about Senior FarmShare here.

The Healthy Incentives Program, or HIP, offers individuals and families in Massachusetts receiving SNAP benefits (formerly called Food Stamps) a automatic rebate on purchases of fruits and vegetables from farmers’ markets, farm stands, mobile markets, and CSAs. CISA works with a coalition of organizations throughout the state to ensure that farmers and markets are well equipped to serve HIP customers, and to advocate for continued funding for the program. You can learn more about HIP here.