Phil, Monte, and Kaliis get the backstage treatment at Maple Corner Farm in Granville, before the ceremonial first tree taping of Massachusetts Maple Month. Hear[...]
WRSI, July 23, 2018. Leon Ripley of West Granville Blueberries and Maple Corner Farm talks about the diverse aspects of his business, the ideal weather[...]
Daily Hampshire Gazette. March 29 2015. Chris Lindahl.
NORTHAMPTON — Three local businesses start the 2015 growing season as heroes of local agriculture.
At a gathering in[...]
Maple Corner Farm’s diversification has made it profitable and sustainable, and this thriving two-century-old farm serves as an inspiration to our region.
WRSI, February 17, 2014. Phil and Monte talk with Leon Ripley about Maple Corner's cross country skiing, maple restaurant, and keeping over 600 acres of[...]