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Valley Bounty: Harukei Turnips

Bunches of sweet, crisp hakurei turnips are showing up at markets and farm stands. For me, they demonstrate another advantage to eating seasonally: exposure to a wide variety of foods, some of them brand new to me. Hakurei turnips are great eaten fresh, but you can also try the roasting recipe below. For a seasonal plate of raw vegetables, try serving hakurei turnips, radishes, young spring carrots, and asparagus tips with a dip. Don’t forget that you can also eat the turnip greens, raw in salads or steamed or sautéed.

By Margaret Christie of Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture (CISA).


Farmers’ markets and farmstands are good places to find hakurei turnips. Some retailers that prioritize local sourcing may also have them.


Roasted Hakurei Turnips and Greens