
Web Resources

Free Website Software

Weebly: Free hosting and simple drag and drop templates. Good place to start for website newbies.
Wix: Free, and simple to use.

Blog Software

WordPress: Basic level is free to use. Highly customizable- can be very simple or more complex. Gives users 3 GB to work with. This software seems to be the favorite and most popular of many different sources. It can also be used as a platform for your website.
Blogger: Google’s blogging software is free and known for being very easy to use.
TypePad: Not free—there are 3 versions of the product, ranging in cost from $8.95/month to $29.95/month. Distinguishing feature is the Search Engine Optimization service.

Email Newsletters

Constant Contact: Simple to use, allows social media sharing, statistic tracking, and design templates. Cost ranges from $15/month for up to 500 subscribers to $50/month for 2,500 subscribers.
Mail Chimp: A free email service that allows up to 2,000 subscribers. Premium features carry a monthly fee, which is determined by the number of subscribers to your newsletters.

Social Media Dashboards

Hootsuite: Offers a free basic version or a $6/month premium version. Both allow you to network your social media profiles and blog.


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