Rich and Healthy: No-till for Successful Farms
October 27 @ 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Seeds of Solidarity Farm and Education Center, Orange MA
Sunday Oct 27, 10am to 5pm. Rich and Healthy: No-till for Successful Farms. Are you a farmer or market gardener seeking to start or transition to no-till methods that use simple tools, build healthy soil, reduce labor and cost inputs, promote climate resilience and increase your connection to the land? You’ll learn several no-till, climate resilience techniques in this experiential, day-long workshop with seasoned farmer Ricky Baruc and no-till soil science researchers.
Sliding scale $65-$95. Space limited, email to register. Soup and salad lunch included. Special opportunity! Our friends at Mount Grace Land Conservation Trust, in partnership with the American Farmland Trust Soil Steward program are offering up to ten full scholarships for farmers of color, or new farmers going no-till. Let us know if this is you!