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Community Membership

CISA Community Members are a vital part of our support network! 

Join Now!

Photo Credit Jason Threlfall

Photo Credit: Jason Threlfall

Join your neighbors and friends to support farms and the local food economy in our Valley.

Your membership helps CISA create new programs and provide learning opportunities for farms and farm businesses.

As a CISA Community Member you will have access to behind the scenes farm tours, discounts at Local Hero member businesses, and more! Plus you will be contributing to our work keeping the local food community strong.

As a community member, you receive:

  • Our thanks for your support of CISA and local farms!
  • An invitation to our annual meeting
  • Discounts on CISA merchandise
  • Eligibility for membership with the UMassFive College Federal Credit Union

How is membership with CISA different from making a donation?

Both community membership gifts and donations support CISA’s work to strengthen local farms. Membership gifts are a reliable and consistent source of funding that CISA can count on each year when you choose to renew.

Join Now!

Are you a farmer, restaurant owner, specialty foods producer, or retailer? Click here to learn more about our Local Hero Program!