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Conway Agricultural Commission to Hold Public Forum on ‘Right to Farm’

The Recorder, January 18, 2017, by Andy Castillo

Town officials are seeking input on a proposed Right to Farm bylaw that might be voted into law at this year’s annual town meeting.

To that end, the Agricultural Commission will hold a public forum today seeking comments and input from town residents on the latest draft, which can be found on the town’s website.

The meeting will start at 7 p.m. in the Town Hall.

Agriculture Commission Chairman Jason Silverman said the commission has made revisions on a “standard-template Right to Farm bylaw” that was previously “proposed at town meeting in 2015 and tabled due to many peoples’ concerns about certain wording and a fear of unintended consequences.”

“We set out to address these concerns and edit the template to more clearly define protocols for conflict resolution, normally accepted practices and a few other issues,” Silverman said in an email Wednesday, noting that the commission is “planning to present (a finalized draft) at this year’s town meeting in hopes that it will be passed.”