Don't miss a thing!
Stay in the loop about what’s in season and what’s happening on farms in the Valley!
Sign up for CISA's enewsSaturday: 8:00 AM to 12:30 PM
April 29 to October 28, 2023
THE GREENFIELD FARMERS’ MARKET ACCEPTS EBT/SNAP TRANSACTIONS and NOW ACCEPTS HIP! Go to the Market Managers booth (the one with the large banner) for details.
Since 1975 the Greenfield Farmers’ Market has been offering the community fresh, locally grown produce, fruit, grass-fed beef, cheese, eggs, lamb, jams, homemade bread & baked goods, vegetable starts, annual & perennial plants, as well as local crafts and more.
We have 27-32 local vendors that will be joining us this year to bring you everything you need. Some vendors accept HIP and credit/debit as well.
Check out our website at
Barberic Farm
Beaumont's Berries
Bostrom Farm
Great Falls Aquaculture
Hart Farm
Just Roots - Greenfield Community Farm
Livingstone Mycology
Lombrico Farm
Nettlepoint Farm
Red Fire Farm
Sunrise Farms
Underline Farm
Warner Farm, LLC
Wild Bramble Farm